

10)  MST-i think this card is slightly overrated, but it's still great for nuking fd m/t cards.  it doesn't work on something like raigeki though.


9)  pot of greed--this card nearly rated about 4 spots higher on my list but fell due to the potential of some of the higher ranked cards.  drawing extras from your deck, especially at no cost, is always good.


8)  mage power--i really like this card and it has the potential of 2500 atk for the better, but most people don't trash their hands and fill up their m/t zones very readily, so it dropped down to 8


7)  Snatch steal--personally, i love taking my opponents monsters.  snatch steal would be incredible, but it allows your opponent to gain 1000 LP at each of their SPs.  i usually use this to take a monster and offer it right away to avoid those costs.


6) dark hole--this card can't really find a common ground among duelists.  it's always either overrated or underrated.  i think it's good for a tight spot where you need some instant destruction, but it does destroy your monsters as well.


5)  United we stand--this card barely edged out dark hole for 5, but i feel what it could possible do is absolutely incredible.  if you had 5 mons on the field, it adds 4000 atk points!  that's unmatched by any equip card in existence


4)  Swords of revealing light--this card jumped up a little after i got it and realized just what it can do.  it can save you in a tight spot or stop a beast of a monster on your opponents side right in it's tracks


3)  change of heart--this card is great.  it can take face up or face down mons from your opponent and use them for you.  again, i usually use this to snag a card from my opp and then offer it for jinzo or vampire lord.


2)  monster reborn--this is the best card available to bring back a monster from the graveyard.  unlike COTH or pre. bur., it doesn't stay on the field so it can't be destroyed like that


2a)HFD--i couldn't decide between this or mon reborn as better, so i have them both.  it's like raigeki for m/t cards.  another great card.

1)  raigeki--by far the greatest magic card of all time.  not many cards can chain it.  it nukes all your opponents monsters, but leaves yours untouched.  what more could you want?


honorable mention--premature burial, butterfly dagger, heavy storm, axe of d, a legendary ocean




10)  dark mirror force--another card i feel to be overrated, but it's decent.  it can destroy MEBs before they get a chance to nuke you


9)  barrel behind the door--this card became popular all of a sudden when people noticed the ROD combo w/ it.  it's potential one turn kill when used right with ROD


8)  judgement of anubis--this card's effect is awesome, but has one drawback.  it can only be activated when a m/t nuking card is played.  ie HFD, MST,etc.


7) rope of life--this card barely edged out j. of anubis, but what it could do is great.  plus 800 atk for a monster, but you do have to say goodbye to your hand, but then again, maybe you have one or no cards.


6)  torrential tribute--say goodbye to everything when your opponent summons a monster.  this card could really save you big time, but unfortunately destroys your mons as well


5) imperial order--i actually believe this card is underrated.  it seems like not many people use it.  why?  it's incredible!  you can stop a raigeki or something and then get rid of this card before you even have to pay for it


4)  ring of destruction--this card could be # 2 if it didn't hurt your LP as well as your opponents, but it's still great and gets 4


3)  call of the haunted--this card barely, and i mean BARELY, edged out ROD.  it can bring back a monster, but it can do it during your opponents turn, unlike MB or pre. b.


2)  magic cylinder--i think this card is slightly overrated, but even i still give it 2.  it can potentially save you and even end the duel.  what if someone plays a BEWD and uses a axe or something? this is your card


1)  mirror force--there was no competition for this spot.  mirror force is the best trap and probably always will be.  it's VERY RARE, EXPESIVE, AND USEFUL all at the same time.  it's pretty much a raigeki, but can be used during your opponents turn.


honorable mention:  trap jammer, royal command, tornado wall, nightmare wheel, spellbinding circle (barely made honorable m)