Debbie's Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 Favorite Cards Debbie's Top Ten Favorite cards 10. Magician of Faith/ Mask of Darkness What's that? You attack with BEWD that's equipt with UwS and Axe? Mirror Force! Hah! Flip MoD for Mirror Force and MoF for Raigeki! 9. Man-Eater Bug/ Old Vindictive Magician Nothing beats a sure fire way of eliminating a monster! Only downside, if the opponent CoH's it and flips it, he can destroy one of your own... 8. Axe of Despair Hey, a 1,000 ATK point boost is nothing to laugh at! And no drawbacks! This card is perfect for Gravity Bind Decks! Heck, you can get it back next turn if you sack a monster! (Combo it with WoBF/Sangan. I believe they get their effect before you place Axe on top of your deck) 7.Gemini Elf/Mad Dog/Archfiend Soldier/ Vorse Raider These being the backbone of every Beatdown deck nowadays.... 6. Nobleman of Crossout Eliminate you face down worries. Be careful though... If it's a flip, then Both players get rid of any more copies they have! 5. Slate Warrior This guy can become as strong as Jinzo if he survives long enough face-down. And as an added bonus, any monster that destroys him gets weakened 500 points! 4. Sakuretsu Armor Yeah.... Destroy a monster that attacks... Pretty good defense, but in only targets one monster... That's why it'll never compare Mirror Force.... 3. Spirit Reaper Beatdowns hate this card. IMHO, it's the world's best blocker! No monster can destroy it in battle.... It hates equips, though... 2. Raigeki Break Destroy any one card on the field... Nice... Better than Raigeki in some cases. 1. Dark Palidin This guy is AMAZING! Not only can he power up based on the number of Dragons in play, but he's a walking PERMANTE Magic Jammer! And plus there are plenty of cards out there to bring his Fusion material together. Questions? Comments? Email me at ____