From: Chris DiFranco [] Chris' Yu-GiOh Top 10 Monster Cards In my opinion these are currently the top 10 Monster cards in the game. 10. Spirit Reaper: Spirit Reaper is a very powerful monster. The fact that it cannot be destroyed by combat makes it a very good wall and on top of that it can be used as a form of hand disruption when it attacks your opponent directly. 9. Cyber Jar: Although Cyber Jar has a flip effect, it is still considered to be a very powerful card, it destroys monsters that are in play and gives you and your opponent 5 new cards to work with. This is a great card to get you out of a tight spot. 8. Breaker the Magical Warrior: We all know that Mystical Space Typhoon is a powerful card, that almost every player uses 1 or more of. Breaker gives you the versitality of an Mystical Space Typhoon and a 1600 ATK to make it a very deadly card. On top it also can be used as a 1900 ATK instead just to beat your opponent to oblivion. 7. Tribe Infecting Virus: Although Tribe Infecting Virus only has 1600 ATK, the card effect makes it a good choice in any deck. Versitality is the name of the game and Tribe Infecting Virus supplys alot of it. The card's effect to destroy all monster in play with the same creature type you name, after discarding a card is very powerful makin it the number 7 card on my list. 6. Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End: Chaos Emperor Dragon is considered one of the most feared card in the game. It's easily special summoned, when in the proper deck and it's effect is game breaking. Some of you are probably wondering why this card is only ranked 6th, well it's because not every deck can afford running it's cost, and the card is only strong when with the prpper support. 5. Injection Fairy Lily: Another very scary card to face. This little fairy can easily turn into a giant smashing machine at the cost of 2000 life points. There is no questioning why it was placed on the ban list in Japan. 4. Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Begiinning: Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning is a very powerful card. Alot of you are probably questioning why I ranked him better then Chaos Emperor Dragon, simply because this card is more compatable with alot of other decks and because of its effects. The choice to attack twice or remove a monster from the game regardless of position are both very dangerous effects, making this a very dangerous card. 3. D.D. Warrior Lady: D.D. Warrior Lady is ranked third on my top 10 simply because of versitality, this card is so deadly and can cause so amy problems for your opponent it's unbelievable, it removes cards such as sangan from the game, or big monster like Jinzo and Vampire Lord for a small price of life points. 2. Jinzo: What Jinzo isn't first you say? Yes Jinzo is by far the most powerful tribute monster out there. It's effect to negate all trap cards leaving your opponent helpless to stop you from playing cards and attacking is amazing. This monster definatly deserves to be second on my top monster list. 1. Yata-Garasu: And here is your number one monster, Yata-Garasu the most feared creature in the whole game so they had to ban it in Japan and soon in North America. This card and it's game winning effect locking down your opponent and pecking away at him each turn. This card definatly deserves the number 1 spot on my top 10 monster cards. You can reach me, Chris at