Strife's Top Ten overlooked cards (or card combo's) Yo, it's me again. I decided to do some real cards today, because I noticed that many people overlook some cards that could be very useful. Here they are. 10. A hero emerges - Continuous Trap - Whenever your opponent declares an attack, they must select one card at rendom from your hand. If it is a monster, special summon it to the field. If it is not, send it to the graveyard. Now what's not to love about that? I don't know how many times I have been stuck with just a tribute monster or two in my hand, and got my butt handed to me. Yet I never see anyone use this amazing card. I recently puilled one, and I'm going to run it for sure! 9. Exodia - Effect monster - I think you all know what this guy does. This might confuse some of you, but I don't hear about this guy anymore. I don't understand why nobody plays this anymore, all he needs is a bit of protection and he is lethal! I have made an Exodia deck which constantly goes toe-to-toe with hand-control and wins. It's kind of strange he has been retired so quickly. 8. Card destruction - Magic/Spell card - Both players discard their hands, then draw the same amount of cards they just discarded. This is underplayed in my opinion. Especially with the release of "Protector of the santuary", a common from IOC(I think. It might be dark crisis). Protector's effect is that your opponent cannot draw a card outside of their draw phase. So, play protector of the santuary, use card destruct to wipe out their hand, and they can't draw new cards. Bang. Instant handless opponent. Easy set up for yata, huh? 7. Soul Exchange - Magic/Spell card - You may use one of your opponents monsters as a tribute in place of your own. You must skip your battle phase for this turn. One of the most common things I hear in my area are complaints about how hard it is to get monsters on your field to sacrifice for big monsters. And while change of heart/snatch steal may be preferable to this card, change of heart/snatch steal are restricted to 1. This is unrestricted. The only downside is skipping your battle phase, but you are still in less trouble then you were. 6. Fake Trap - Normal Trap - When your opponent uses a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster Card to destroy your Trap Card(s), this card can be destroyed as a substitute for your Trap Card(s). How many times has your mirror force been mst's before the big attack from Parshath or Hades? how many times has torrential been dusted just before they start swarming monsters onto the field? With this card, you can keep every one of your traps safe for one turn, and it is unrestricted. As always, Jinzo is a threat. But he's 1 card in 40 or more, and magic/trap removal is very common. 5. Gate Gaurdian - Level 12/Dark/Warrior/3750 attack 3400 defense - This card may only be special summoned by sacrificing Sanga of the thunder, Kazejin and Suijin on your side of the field. Wait, don't stop reading. This card is normally terrible, best used for high-level ritual monster sacrificing. But recently, dimension fusion has given it new life. There is a simple combo to get this powerhouse out. Simply use painful choice and/or graceful charity to get at least one of each piece into the graveyard, then soul release and dimension fusion. Sacrifice them for GG. (btw, this was the first rare I ever pulled, along with Barrel Dragon for my 2nd rare. But my little cuz spilled milk all over them and they were ruined. AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!) 4. Solemn Judgement - Counter Trap - Pay half your Life Points when your opponent either activates Magic/Spell or Trap or summons a monster (Including Special Summon) to negate the action and destroy all the cards involved. Now paying half your life points doesn't sound like a good deal, but late in the game, negating a Jinzo or Hades will usually save you the game, for less damage to you. (Yes, you can negate Jinzo with this, he hasn't hit the field yet.) If I had this card, I would run it. Late in the game this card is priceless. 3. Megamorph - Equip Spell/Magic - If your life points are lower then your opponents, the original attack of the equipped monster is doubled. If your life points are higher, the original attack is halved. Now most people know that monsters don't last long in the current metagame. They just do what damage they can and then they usually die. This is a perfect card for when you are losing. Equip to a normal beatstick and destroy the huge monster they have been killing your life points with. Then, you attack is cut drastically, but your monster has served it's purpose. 2. Ceasefire - Normal Trap - Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up (Flip Effects are not activated). Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each Effect Monster Card on the field. I don't even hear burn decks running this thing anymore. I dont know why not, it is usually a 500 point burn per monster. Not many people run many non-effect monsters in serious decks anymore, so I just can't figure out where all the ceasefires have gone. Finally, Number 1... 1. Metalmorph - Continuous Trap - After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up monster. The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points. When attacking with a monster equipped with this card, you can further increase its ATK by an amount equal to half the ATK of your target. Why doesn't anybody play this thing?!?! I know people have it! And I know equips are hated and despised, but come on! Look at this thing! Equip to Gemini Elf and Attack Berserk Gorrila! Gemini Elf 3200 attack against Berserk Gorrila 2000! Jeez I wish I had this! Anyways, that's some cards that I think don't deserve to be obsolete yet. But despite my opinion, I guess they will stay obsolete at LEAST until the ban list comes out. Liked it, hated it, decided to say you liked it even though you hated it, or decided to say you hated it even though you liked it? My address is HAVE A GOOD LIFE. MAYBE. _________________________________________________________________