 Ryu Sayien's 10 Things That Annoy Me In Dueling At Touraments


This Is 10 Things That Annoy Me In Dueling At Touraments

10. When My Opponent's Don't Know One My Cards Effects
9. When A Little Kid Keeps Asking Me To Trade Ether My Mirror Force Or Rageki Even After I Tell Them NO!
8. When My Opponent Don't Know A Card's Ruling & Needs To Call A Judge Over!
7. People Who Say There The Best At The Tourament Then Cry When I Hand Them There Ass
6. When Advaced Duelists Like Me Complain About Newbies
5. People Who Ask To See My Deck Then Say I Could Easily Beat You, Then Takes Me On In A Duel & Loses Badly!
4. Duelists Who Think There Better Than Everyone Else But Can't Even Win One Duel
3. How Almost Ever Duelist Up There But My Best Friend & Me Use Chaos Controll Decks
2. Losers Saying That The Only Reasons They Lost To Me Is Not Because Of My Skill But Because They Didn't Draw The Right Cards
1. YATA LOCKS-I've Lost To Yata More Then 50 Times!!!!!!