Brian's Top 10 Things not to put in a Yu-Gi-Oh! Top Ten List


Pretty simple. This list is composed of things that need to stop when posting Top Ten Lists. I've read a lot of these Top Ten Lists and a lot of them are pointless. I know it kind of defeats the purpose, but these are in no particular order.


1. Stop complaining about Yata

By whining and moaning, you're getting nowhere. We all know it is a rather broken card. However, there are those of us who were just man enough to look Yata in the face and say shove it. Find a way around it, we don't need to hear anymore opinions on Yata.


2. Stop making up cards that are too good

People are constantly making up cards that are just too dumb to fathom. Yeah, it was funny after the first couple o' hundred of these lists, but it's not anymore. If you even consider writing a list of cards that "should exist," try not to sound like a fanboy of the anime series.


3. People who suggest card fixes

Give me a break. This is such a stupid thing to do. I've read only a few of these, but they're pointless. Half the cards these people say need to be "fixed" are cards that will be banned anyways. Nevertheless, the cards are usually Yata and Chaos monsters. I've heard things like "Make Yata a regular effect monster," or "Delinquent Duo should be 2000 Lp." Just because you were whipped by those cards doesn't mean they're unfair.


4. Anything that has to do with wealthy or poor people

I know that this is a subject long exhausted, but it's been resurfacing. You have a social status, accept it. If people can buy better cards, too bad.


5. Stop complaining about chaos

Just like Yata, these cards get beaten on so bad by a general audience that when a player has a chaos deck, he's/she's seen as a scumbag. If they just want to win, then it's kind of a toss-up. They ARE being unoriginal, but on the flipside, that's just their choice. Just find a way around these monstrosities.


6. Poeple woh catn uderstand teh consept of spel chekker

Annoying? Yes. Take ten seconds out your life and make sure your writing is legible. Nothing makes your opinion more unenjoyable (not all of them are, but after all, that's an opinion) than a letter that couldn't even pass as my dog's handwriting.


7. People who complain about cards and don't know how they work in the first place

This is just sad. Know your cards. It's not very hard to remember the full effect of Kycoo. I still here people flaming cards like Jar of Greed and Gather Your Mind. It's called deck speed. But then again, anyone slow enough to not see the point of those cards couldn't get the concept of deck speed (let alone speed) anyways.


8. People who talk about combos and don't know how the cards work in the first place

Similar to the above. C'mon, three Upstart Goblins? Am I the only one who sees a slight problem with a combo that begins with those three cards? Once again, know your cards before you speak.


9. "Greatest Cards of All Time" Top ten lists

Yeah, real original. Falls under same category as "My Favorite Cards."


10. Originality

Maybe I'm sounding unoriginal complaining about original lists that complain about unoriginal deck types and why they're original. Wow. Even talking about this sounds stupid.


The next time you bash someone about being boring and having a "cookie-cutter" deck, take a look at yours. If you have more than twenty of the same cards that the alleged duelist has, you're officially common. So many people hate on Chaos and control decks because "everyone" has them. I happen to use a control/destruction deck that has my own touches. Aside from the staples, I do use similar cards like Yata and scientist, only because they are cards that I know will help me win. Don't be stupid and say that someone is unoriginal just because they use cards that will help them win. When someone complains about other duelists needing to change their decks, they just want to have a better chance of winning. Unless the metagame in your area is so one-colored that you end up facing the same decks over and over again.






Toughen up and learn your cards. To be frank, don't be stupid, your brain is there to prevent that.