Hi my names bubba ( it really isn’t but that’s wat u can call me for now

Here’s my 10 fav. Cards ( I run a dark necrofear deck so they’ll be mostly fiends)

Jinzo: awesome card

dark necrofear I still don’t get y every one says its not that great

the dark ruler ha des. Best fiend I have seen

painful choice. Can get dark necrofear out in one turn with this card

raigeki. Best mon. removal

yata-garusa. Sweet effect, and it’s a fiend

mirror force. Sweet card, I think everyone knows that

dark paladin soldier. I think that’s the name but a sweet fusion and cool looking

magc cylinder. Good card

10- Lava golem: the new secret rare and play this card with gravity bind it can kick butt

So that’s my top 10

e-mail lugthenut@hotmail.com