Subject: Lee's Top Ten Traps, nothing past LON, sry

Lee’s top ten list of traps(Nothing after Labyrinth of Nightmare)


Things to review before proceeding:


This is MY list of top ten traps.


Common enemies or predators of traps are Jinzo, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Mystical Space Typhoon(MST)/Dust Tornado, Solemn Judgment, and if you’re a newbie of just plain psycho(like me), Trap Masters are used against these purple cards too. With that in mind, limit your usage of traps in the deck unless their abilities go through the roof in coolness.


Traps can ONLY be used after the turn they are set, and after that, whatever is in the textbox of the trap.


Uh,...list is kinda long, don't flame me for the length...please?


I know these are obvious, just trying to make a few things clear.


10) Trap Hole- Ran by every single newbie to ever be on the face of the earth. C’mon, it’s in every single starter deck, then there’s the mob mentality of all your friends running one. Don’t blame them either, if it’s Sangan sized or bigger, it dies, no questions asked. If they Seven Tools the Trap Hole, hey, free Tremendous Fire, right?


9) Waboku- A Fog, for those who play MTG. Fantastic game staller. Basically, after your turn when its set, you can  activate this sucker for whatever reason, Jinzo is summoned, the mean opponent plays Heavy Storm, or the new version on steroids, Harpie’s Feather Duster, they try to overrun you with a Summoned Skull and a Seven Colored Fish, the list goes on and chances are, you get the idea.


8) Magic Cylinder- Surprised to see it this far back? This card is not a cream of crap, none of the top ten are, but given all the vulnerability of traps, I think their ability should kick big booty to make it to a deck. This card is an X damager(another MTG reference) and a one monster Waboku rolled into one. It blocks an attack, and deals it back to the opponent who has the nerve to think about doing such a horrible thing, very evil. Still, if your opponent attempts to run you over, well, nice knowing you.


7) Solemn Judgment- Old grandpa wants half of what you have so you can get your way, or should I say your opponent doesn’t get his way? Use this card with prudence, and lots of it at that. Losing half your life points is no laughing matter, unless you are down to 400, then losing 200 to counter a Jinzo, that’s pretty funny. Great card to use for control freaks or as a substitute until you can nab yourself a Jammer or Imperial Order.


6) Magic Jammer- Despite the prevalence of Imperial Order, still its widely used to give your opponent less of an edge in terms of those green cards aka Magic. Losing a card in my opinion isn’t none too much to worry about, though millions of other players disagree. Just combo it with graveyard recursion if you want your lost card back so badly.


5) Ceasefire- You see those two guys on the table? Yeah, they are drawing the blueprint of a minesweeper. Okay, they aren’t, but that’s what this card is: A MINESWEEPER! With this handy dandy trap, you can flip the bird(don’t, please play nice, kiddies) at your opponent’s facedowns, maybe even a few of yours if you don’t care, and they take 500! It’s a minesweeper and grenade launcher all in one! Smart guys on the picture, don’t you think??


4) Torrential Tribute- First you have the cosmic toilet of the universe(Dark Hole, check out the picture!) now, the water that flushes that toilet is usable as well, just less control because it’s a trap. Still, damn spiffy card, a dark hole is good, a well timed trap version of that classic is sick. If you catch them at the right time, you can have an empty board for you to attack like there is no tomorrow on your turn.


3) Backup Soldier- Very situational, but in Magnet decks and Exodia, these are gifts from heaven! They cut down the cost of speeding up the deck via Painful Choice, so you can have a thin deck, and what you throw away is used as well! Renovation and recycling!(Another option to add to the evergrowing list of R&R) In Exodia, Backup Soldier is spelled F-I-N-A-L  B-L-O-W. Just observe your opponent’s face next time you activate this trap, and get your last three non-head Exodia pieces. This makes Magnet decks playable, not just sitting ducks praying for a nice hand and draw. Very nice, very nice. And they are still semi-restricted!? Now kiddies, let’s all say thank you to Upper Deck, 1…2…


2) Imperial Order- Take Magic Jammer, now give it nothing but STEROIDS! So what if the continuous magic cards stay in play, and so what if the fruity looking king demands 700 life points?! This bad boy is one of the best in the disruptor department, control department, hell, even game staller if life isn’t a problem. One of the true staples in the game that literally fit in EVERY deck. This card says KO if your opponent is unlucky enough to be holding a hand of green. Definitely get one.


Number 1!


MIRROR FORCE!- Some deranged card maker for Yu Gi Oh! became a bit too happy in the labs. What do I get when I mix one of LOB’s feature cards, Raigeki, and a feature card from the number 10 slot of my list, Waboku?? The sickest card in the whole damn game! *laughs maniacally* Okay, I’m not sure if that happened. If you guys saw Akira, picture Tetsuo’s mental shield. Got that? Now picture it shooting back at the attacker, no, not the player like Magic Cylinder, but the attacker. Got that? Now what does the basic rule of Duel Monsters say? If two monsters in atk position target one another, both drop dead and the players are unaffected. Now apply ALL that to every single one of your opponent’s monsters, except Jinzo, of course. Repeat after me: HOT CARD! Believe me, if this card goes through, he ain’t going to attack you for the rest of the turn. Other important trivia from me: IMO, the only good trap Yugi uses in his deck, and this is my first Ultra Rare outside of starter decks when I started the game.



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