Subject: Titus' Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh Cards as of LoD
Titus' Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh Cards as of LoD

These cards are rated from 10 being the worst on the top 10 list to 1 being the greatest on the top 10 list.

Top 10 Cards of all time...o 0

10...Harpie's Bro, La Jinn, and 7 Colored...-these guys are great and can find a way into almost any deck. 1800 4 star no effect cards absolutely rule!

9...Change of Heart, and Snatch Steal...-these cards make your opponent mad crazy. especially snatch steal. they may like getting the 1000 life points per turn but when you sacrifice it right away...(hahahaha)
8...Axe of Despair, United We Stand, and Mage Power...-these cards will power up your monsters to the maximum. Axe of Despair also has a really cool effect. You can tribute your opponents monsters instead of your own!!!

7...Monster Reborn, Premature Burial, and Call of the Haunted...-these three cards can just keep bringing back your favorite monsters. Hello all monsters except spirit monsters...I just brought back Barrel Dragon or whatever.

6...Marauding Captain, Goblin Attack Force, Exiled Force, and Freed the Matchless General...-these cards are all staples in a warrior deck. they can almost single handedly win you a game. you can make a maruading captain defense wall, tribute exiled, attack with Goblin, and draw with Freed.

5...Sinister Serpent...-this card can be a Yata destroyer. how you ask. well if your in a yata lock, sinister serpent keeps coming back into your hand and yata doesnt have enough attack power to kill it. evidenfully you can keep drawing.

4...Spear Dragon, Bazoo the Soul Eater, and Gemini Elves...-these monsters all have more attack than the regular 4 star monsters. plus spear dragon has a pretty cool efet as well as bazoo.

4...Possesed Dark Soul...-i know what your thinking, is this guy insane are you crazy, what kinda joke is this? it is no joke this card rules! you can take control over all 3 star or less monsters on the field. lets see marauding captain is mine relinquised is mine etc. etc.

3...Harpie's Feather Duster, and Heavy Storm...-get rid of those magic and trap.

2...Raigeki, Mirror Force, and Magic Cylinder...-destroy your opponents monsters and do direct life point damage. can it possibly get any better?

1...It can with dun dun dun...Injection Fairy Lily and Yata-Garasu. You canput your opponent in a yata lock or you can get a one turn ko with lily. how? because if your opponent summons any 1400 atk or less you can give up 6000 life points to make lily have 9400 atk. one attack and you win.

any questions e mail titus at