Subject: Sephiroth's Top 10 reasons people think Buster Blader is good.
10.It's shiny! MUST...HAVE...SHINY!
9.  It will be good in the future, so let's add it now!
8.  Oh My gosh! 2600 atk, it Must be the greatest card ever!
7.  Everybody has alot of dragons in there deck! I think...Not!
6.  It was given to theM by their best friend.
5.  The kid with A.D.D. down the street said it was good.
4.  It was their first PSV card.
3.  Monsters that require 2 sacrifices have to be good, right?
2.  I had beans for breakfeast so it Must be good!
1.  They're Losers!