Subject: Jason Chang's Top 10 ways to be a Rare Hunter Ok folks, I just read a top 10 list from some one about how you should be a rare hunter. Here is how you really become a rare hunter. 10. Wear something that looks dark. Black is preferred since they wear that on the TV show, but anything that looks evil is fine. 9. You need to be intimidating, especially against people with weak minds like how Marik is to yugi. 8. Always be confident and poised, if you are not, you will look like a slump. 7. Always wager duel and take peoples best cards. It makes them seem weak and it makes you seem powerful. 6. Cheat. Put cards in your sleeves, stack your deck, whatever. As long as you win, which is your ultimate goal, you do everything necessary to get there. 5. Have followers, it makes you look like a force to be reckoned with. 4. Always find a way out if you lose, if you lose, find a way out of giving your best card. I.E.Beat them up, distract them and run away. Be creative. 3. When dueling, distract their attention to fear you. Predict what card they have (earpiece and one person looking at his hand), act very confident, be silent and give them the evil eye. Or brag. 2. Steal cards. (flooded by 100000000000000000000000000000000 rants). So what I steal I don't care. Any rare hunter shouldn't have morals in the first place so it doesn't matter. Stealing cards is often the easiest way to win already. 1. Have no morals. Play dirty, act dirty. To all people who think that yugioh is a game of morals, your wrong. Hello look at the game of yugioh. Monsters (OK, if monsters are filled with moral, then I'm skinny.) graveyard (Then again, graveyards are places of extreme joy) Shadow realm (yah sure, you know what it really is) The fate of the world. (sure I think I gave enough reasons). If you people think yugioh is a game of morals now, I feel pity on your weak minds. If you want to really argue this out with me, even though I will win the conversation, then my email address is Bow down to my reign for I shall rise.