Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 10:10 PM
Subject: Yugioh Top Ten
Silentp's Top 10 List

10. Blue Eyes White Dragon (Best Regular monster in terms of attack)
9. Man Eater Bug (Kills any creature on the field, Good surprise card)
8. Change of Heart (Can do countlessthings to your opponents monster, netting you card advantage)
7. Solemn Judgement (Counters anything, no matter what it is, and works really well in the late game)
6. Summoned Skull (Best one tribute in the game)
5. Barrel Dragon (Best 2 Tribute Monster, has an excellent effect)
4. Imperial Order (Acts as a Magic Jammer for free and can lock down your opponent when needed)
3. Mirror Force (Also nets incredible card advantage and saves you from large hits of LP)
2. Monster Reborn (Gets any monster out of your graveyard for free and lets you use them)
1. Raigeki (Gives you tremendous card advantage, lets you do direct damage )
