My Top 10-Alex the Unkown.html 10. Relinquished (A ritual monster, and a great effect) 9. Blue Eyes White Dragon (If you can’t figure out why, then stop playing this game) 8. Black Skull Dragon (A HUGE ATK of 3200, and a fusion monster) 7. Man-Eater Bug (A definite in every deck) 6. 7 colored Fish (Largest ATK for a non-effect, non-tribute, monster) 5. Jinzo (2400 ATK is great and a mean effect) 4. Time Wizard (I don’t care what anybody thinks! A Raigeki every turn you’re unstoppable!) 3. Summoned Skull (one tribute = 2500ATK) 2. Goblin Attack Force (2300 ATK, no tribute!) Barrel Dragon (An awesome effect, great attack, and way cool picture!) My Email is if u have question or u want to comment on my choices. Later everyone…