Top Ten of the Dueling Monkey =) Listed in no particular order. 1. Summoned Skull - Never hated, always feared. One tribute for a great monster... 2 + 3. Magician of Faith & Man Eater Bug - I always like to play these in a pair, flip them, and then quickly summon a 7 star monster. 3. Monster Reborn - Never hated, always feared when played. I like traphole combos, fissure combos, tribute to the doomed combos, anything that can be brought back from the grave. 4. Barrel Dragon - Decent attack, fits in with most Dark Decks, great effect... 5. Robbin Goblin - No cost except a spot on my M/T zone, and lets my opponent keep running out of monsters once I get good monsters out. 6. Change of Heart - Oh the possibilites... 7. Mystical Space Typhoon - De-Spell and Remove Trap combined into a quick play. 8. Dark Hole/Raigeki - Destruction of monsters. What else? 9. Heavy Storm - Destruction of magic/traps. What else? 10. Skull Servant - Yeah, this card is the worst card ever made, and could be used for toilet paper. Why did I put it here? So that people can email me, and explain why it can't be used. Otherwise... 10b. Gemini Elf - No comment? Send all flames, and destructive critism there.