Wrom: NEUQZAAFXISHJEXXIMQZ Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 4:34 PM To my view these are the top 10 cards. 1.Exodia-Well duh!You win the games. 2.Bluse Eyes White Dragon-Most Powerful monster there is. 3.Summoned Skull-My favorite.I think they're more powerful than Blue Eyes because I always put 3 Dark Energies and Swords of Dark Destructions. 4.Raigeki-Kills all your opponents monsters.I don't think it's all that great but 3 people wanted it and were going to give me 1st edition Blue Eyes. 5.Monster Reborn-Play your Blue Eyes in defense mode,then use black hole,and then reborn it for no tribute and it's in attack mode. 6.Change of Heart-Steal one of there cards, attack with it,and then use it as tribute. 7.La Jinn-Best 4 star card. 8.Dark Hole-Just like Raigeki if you don't have any monsters on the feild. 9.Trap Hole-If they play a Blue Eyes they sacrifice 2 monsters and then just to see their Blue Eyes die. 10.Tri Horned Dragon-It's very. very, very shiny and it has good attack. Kent Baker