Subject: my top ten 1.Reigeki-in other words, haha, im doing direct damage to ur life points, and u lost all ur monsters 2. Monster Reborn- use a removal card like reigeki or man eater bug on an oppenents strongest monster. ex. man eater buf flip effect on bewd and the monster reborn 3. Man-Eater Bug-byebye monster! :) 4. Pot of greed- draw to cards, no worries like card destruction 5.Summoned Skull- Only one tribute plua as strong as dark magician 6. Change of heart- ill be taken that blue eyes 7. swords of revevealing light- gives you enough stall time while ur oppenent has a strong card out to get ur own high level cards out 8. Wall Of Illusions- just play it face down while ur oppenent has a strong card out and its back to their hand, ( this card plus card destruction works pretty good) 9. Blue-Eyes White Dragon- The strongest card in the game. BUT its a lioght type so u cant use sword of dark destruction, so id use tri-horned dragon if u have it (witch with my lucky penny got in my first booster pack) 10. LaJinn Mystical Jeanie Of The Lamp- right now, its the strongest 4 star card out. highly recomended and since its dark and feind, fits in with the feind and spellcaster type decks.