Subject: Ugly Guy's top 10 +5 more 1. Shadow Ghoul-The strongest monster in all of the game, and requires only 1 tribute, what a great monster. Beats the crap out of Gate Gaurdian and Blue-Eyes. Blue-Eyes is a peice of crap from an elephant 2. Fake Trap-The best defender for your Trap Cards.If someone uses Heavystorm while you have five traps including Fake Trap, your opponent only destroys his own and your Fake Trap. Best to have three 3. Stim Pack-Good equip card, even though it gives 200 decrese after u use it, but it'll go good with someone like Launcher Spider, who has great defense, but low attack, equip it with him and he will be unbeatable like Blue-Eyes then u put him in defense after he gets down to 2300. 4. King of Yamimakai-Better than Curse of Dragon and the strongest Fiend (excluding Fusion Fiends like Bikuribox). 5. Man-Eater Bug-Do I really have to tell u? 6.Steel Scorpion-Refer to Man-Eater Bug 7.Heavy Storm-Have one Fake Trap and use this to destroy only ur opponents whole Magic Field 8.Summoned Skull-Great with the Witch of the Black Forest since if she dies, u search ur deck for a monster under 1500 defense, look for Summoned Skull and summon the Skull 9. Horn of Heaven-Negates the activation of monsters like Man-Eater or Hane-Hane. 10. Change of Heart-Great for using opposing monsters as sacrifices like for high levels or for Horn of Heaven 11. Reverse Trap-Reverse all increases or decrease, great when Umi or Yami are on the field and u have Pyros Machines or Fairy's, also great when u have Ring of Magnet, Attribute increasers like Star Boy,etc. 12. The Cheerful Coffin helps u get rid of assholes like Morinphen and increases the Shadow Ghoul 13. Jirai Gumo-Great ATK power, don't neccesarily have to use him to attack, just for defense 14. Sheild and Sword-Great for someone like Spirit of the Harp, reason because whenever you attack with Dark Elf, u pay 1000LP, but with Harp Spirit reversed, does same amount without cost 15. Time Wizard-More-Than-One-Time-Use-Raigeki card. But only play him byhimself if u don't want to lose tons of LP