>From Paul Stanghetta, jadedblades@hotmail.com here is my well thought out list. 1. Monster Reborn - This card is the most useful and non-situational card there. Never a wasted draw, your only excuse for not playing it is, "I dont have one!" The raw power is just to much! Who needs to tribute for a blue eyes? Not me! 2. Change of Heart - Another non-situational card, it is also extremely powerful. Saves you tributes like a reborn, but also gives you a wiked advantage. You can get pure LP damage with this card easily, and that is not it's only use. Stalling for a turn, a souped up soul exchange, and avoiding walls are all possible with this card. 3. Summoned Skull - Simply the best monster card there is. Blue eyes is SO overrated! Whoever uses dark magician over this card is a complete and total moron. One tribute for 2500! COME ON!! Does it get any better? Acutally... quite possibly... 4. Black Skull Dragon - Finally, a use for polymerization! A high attack is nothing special, but the monsters required for it are actually useable! (That might be a little biased, i use a Lord of D. deck). And people don't ealize the power of fusion monsters. They can't be killed by effects/traps/magic! Sorry man-eater! 4. Lord of D./Flute of Summoning Dragon - A devastating combo. If you can survive the trap holes and fissures, lord of d. can be powerful for your blue/red eyes. And the flute is nothing to laugh at (unless your the one using it. it always amkes me giddy to get out of tributing!) 5. Blue Eyes White Dragon - Although overrated, you still have to realize it is immensly strong. I dont think there is any stronger no effect or fusion monster in the game. 6. Man - eater bug - Wow. Destroys one monster. Well, that is not a bad effect. It's stats are horrible though. But still, the effect can make a whole stategy. One of these can turn a whole duel around! 7. Mystical Elf - Extremely Underrated!! Trap hole immune, popular spellcaster type, and a true wall! Giant soldier of Stone and Aqua madoor get trap holed left and right!! This card is fits in any deck! 8. La Jinn - Well, duh!! Look at him! I dont care what kind of deck you use! Three are in it! 1800/1000 is the best for a non tribute or bad effect monster yet!!! AWESOME!! 9. Swords of Reaveling light - Screw an entire deck over with this wierd magic spell. wow. Power is nothing when you can't use it!! 10. Card Destruction - Well, this is my personal favorite card. You can burn throught your opponents well thought out plan like nothing. And it always is playable since you can set magic/traps. Truly an amazing card! thanx alot all!! beat you sometime later!