Wrom: EXCAXZOWCONEUQZAAFXISHJEXXIM Subject: Greg's top-10-List Cards i find usefull in my deck according to my own past experiences in my duels. Mast of which i win. 10. DE-SPELL. If your trapped in a corner by a SWORDS OF REVEALING LIGHT. or a RING OF MAGNETISM. DE-SPELL can be there to save you from a merciliss beating by their 3rd. turn whoop-down by a BLUE-EYES or a DARK MAGICIAN. 9.MYSTIC ELF. good defence on first turn, most likely will survive for you to pop out a SUMMONED SKULL or JUDGE MAN on your nest turn to wipe out any monster they have out, ( just watch oiut for that pesky WALL OF ILLUSIONS). 8.REINFORCEMENTS. 500+ attack, whenever you want, need i say more. 7.CASTLE WALLS. 500+ defence, whenever, however, whatever! 6.ROBBIN' GOBLIN. whenever your SKULL. or LA JINN. does damage, there goes a card from your opponents hand randomly. Just what you hoped for, there goes his BLUE EYES. 5.MAN EATER BUG. ....figure it out dummy! 1 monster gone, dream come true! 4.WABOKU. saves you for 1 turn to figure out how you got your self stuck in this mess you call your duel. Hopefully you'll draw the right card to fight on, TRUST IN THE HEART OF THE CARDS!! 3.MONSTER REBORN. The perfect rebound from a card destruction, or, just to bring back your BLUE EYES. from its shemefull destruction from a TRAP HOLE. 2. MIRROR FORCE. REIGEKI and WABOKU, all in one, what more can you ask for. 1. MAGICIAN OF FAITH. able to bring back your MONSTER REBORN or your favored HEAVY STORM. I love it, and you should to!! Well, theres my top 10 list, I hope you liked it, and I hope it helped you decide what to use in your future decks. Greg's top-10-list