Wrom: PHSCRTNHGSWZIDR Subject: Treb's Top 10 Duel Monsters cards 10. Jirai Gumo-2200 on the first turn?!?!?! But, his effect...only works if attacking...hmmm... 9. Fissure-A nice early game Magic, but, not too great with late game monsters out like BEWD or Dark Magician, as the smart would bring out another creature to take this blow. 8. Tribute to the Doomed-Now this in late game, however... 7. Paralyzing Potion-One of the many cards in my deck I took a second look at after they kicked my butt. The only draw back? Cards likes Heavy Storm and De-Spell. 6. Waboku-While Metal Raiders made this somewhat useless, I still like it quite a bit, as it has saved me more times than I'd like to admit. 5. Heavy Storm-Again, another card I got on the wrong end of before I put it in my deck. And, as it says, it's a heavy hitter. Three words, friends-Get. This. Card. 4. Blue Eyes White Dragon-I don't have to say the upside to this card as we all know it. And, with Metal Raiders, it makes it both better and worse. 3. Horn of Heaven-Not only is it my favorite to simply stare at for hours, it's one of my best traps. Use this with Fake Trap or De-Spell to keep it on the field 'cause it's well worth it. 2. Barrel Dragon-Just stronger than Dark Magician for the same price. Plus, one of the best effects, plus it's a Machine, making is immune to the peskiest of pesky Magics. An extremely great card. And, now, the moment those of you still reading have been waiting for... 1. Summoned Skull-I hate to copy almost everyone, but, 2500 for 1 tribute! On the second turn, you can have it out! In a word, wow. Well, that's what I, Treble, think are the top 10 of Duel Monsters as of today. If you have any questions, comments, or hate mail (for me, not someone else), please, send it to Treble252@hotmail.com or IM me at Darnproud359 through the AOL Instant Messenger. Thanks. --Treble