Subject: my top 10 list
First I want to start by pointing out the stupidity of you people who like cards because they CAN be strong or they like the picture I think its stupid to use cards that rely on other cards to be less then pitiful. ok now that i vented we can get on to my list

top five monsters jjin strongest level for without any side efects

4.magician of faith your oponent thinks heys done with your monster reborne but you got a surprise for him eater bug do i even have to say eyes white dragon 3000 atk and the people who say this this card is destroyed to easy look at almost every other card they can be destroyed just as easly

1.sumoned skull is better then dark magician in every way has the same amount of power ups same atk but less stars whats beter about dark magician?

top 5 magic/trap
5.sheild and sword a good card but only lasts one turn

4.magic jammer dont have to wory about thodse pesky magick cards but you have to sacrafice a card

3.change of heart get a level 5-6 and leaves oponents life points prime for the picking reborne oponents killed your best card not a problem

1.raigiki say goodbye to your oponents monsters