Wrom: LHPQQWOYIYZUNNYCGPKYLE Subject: Top 10 card list Terranova's 15 Ace Cards: Summoned Skull- Awesome! One of the best attack powers for a 6-star! Rageki- Great Card! Destroy all of your opponent's monster cards, so no more M-E-Bugs or Blue-Eyes! Princess of Turugia- You know those times when your enemy has an armada of magic/trap cards? Use this to dowse their plans! Wabaku- Use this to make sure you survive one last attack. It may be a turning point in the duel! Monster Reborn- Use this with Rageki or Trap Hole to revive a Gate Guardian or something of the sort! Trap Hole- This can take out those cards that are brought back from the graveyard! Use this, and keep on pounding your enemy! Man Eater Bug- Tis takes out all those super-powered juggernauts in a flash! Mirror Force- Rageki all over again! One of the best trap cards! Giant Soldier of Stone- Trick your opponent into attacking this, and watch them (probably) destroy their own monster! La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp- One of the strongest 4-stars, and with no side-effects for using, too! Dian Keto the Cure Master- This puts you right back into the lead! Soul Exchange- Purely awesome! Take out a Blue-Eyes, and summon a power-house of your own as well! De-Spell- Take out their magic card and foil your opponents plan! Remove Trap- Take out their trap card and foil your opponent's plan! Change of Heart- Take over a card! Attack your opponent's life point's with their strongest card!