These are also the cards that help me out the most. I just started playing a few weeks ago, so i don't have the best selection of cards, or the best deck, but they work for me. 10. Mysterious Puppeteer - Heals 500 for every monster summoned? i like the sound of that. 9. Fissure - Great when opponent has few monsters on field. 8. La Jinn - A great starter, and better than 7 Colored Fish (also in my deck), since can be powered up by Yami and Sword of Dark Destruction. 7. Reverse Trap - I love this card. i like attaching equipment to my opponent's monsters, then using this(i think that's legal. correct me if not) 6. Block Attack - Hmmm...Summoned Skull vs. La Jinn. See ya SS! 5. Just Desserts - Use this when your opponent has a full field - instant 2500 damage! then use Raigeki(don't have it yet) and laugh. 4. Blue Eyes White Dragon - Although a risk to play, even if you only get 1-2 attacks in, it's worth it! 3. Magician of Faith - Another of my fav cards. its like having extra Monster Reborns or Raigeki! 2. Monster Reborn - AWESOME!! no deck should be without it. use this to get your BEWD back, then play Mag. of Faith to get it back, then bring opponents Dark Magician or BEWD back! HA HA! 1. Summoned Skull - WAY better than Dark Magician, and way cooler too, he'll always be in my deck. Comments(kind that is)? questions? contact me, Dan the Newb, at: