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From: Richard
Subj: Master Balls By Cody Blake
Date: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:18 pm

Here he is again with a tip to get some quick masterballs.

cody blake <codyfdl10@yahoo.com> wrote: Ok Ithink this only applies to Emerald but there are really 3 Masterballs in the game you are probely sitting down reading this going "Yeah right" but I am going to tell you anyways..XD

Masterball number 1: Of course you can get the one from the Magma/Aqua Hideout.

Masterball number two: When you go to the Lilycove Department store you can participate in the lottery if you win the top prize (all numbers match) you get the Masterball.

Masterball number 3: Here is the almost secret Masterball...If you get the chance to go on Mirage Island go by the berry patch and walk around by it and keep pushing the A button, then to surprise you find a Masterball Yay!!\

-----Cody B.

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