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Pojo's Pokemon News Archives
January 2005
Monday, 01.31.05 William
Hung stops by today with a City Championship Tournament
Report today. William think everyone can learn a bit
today from his report. Check out our
Tournament Reports section today.
Pojo Note: While working in the Killer Decks
section, I had a fun trip down memory lane. We have
been posting Pokemon Tournament reports since March 1999.
That's almost 6 years now! Kind of cool. And
we'd love to post more tournament reports, and we'll always
post your photos if you take them at the reports. ;-)
is back with his 5th article on the "Odds
in Pokemon". Today: "The Synergy of
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Hypno from Team Rocket Returns. Otaku and yume usagi
have reviews.
Friday, 01.28.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Tyranitar 20 from Team Rocket Returns. Johnny Blaze,
Drift None and Jaeger all have reviews.
Thursday, 01.27.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Tyranitar 19 from Team Rocket Returns. Johnny Blaze,
Drift None and yume usagi all have reviews.
Tuesday, 01.25.05 We have a another
Cool Pokemon Giveaway to announce today!
to the wonderful folks at
25 people will be winning cool prizes!
5 Grand Prize Winners, who would receive:
- 1 each of the EX Deoxys Theme Decks.
- 1 Box of EX Deoxys Booster Packs.
- 1 DVD of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys (being released
nationwide on February 15)
20 First Prize Winners, each one receives:
-20 First Prize Winners
- 1 each of the EX Deoxys Theme Decks
- 1 each of the EX Deoxys Booster Packs
details, Images, and Entry rules are all right here.
Sign up today for your chance to win. Contest ends
February 28th. Good Luck!
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Ampharos from Team Rocket Returns. Johnny
Blaze, Otaku, Jaeger, and, a new reviewer, yume usagi, all
have reviews.
Bradley Hammitt sends us his Blaze City Championships
Killer Deck Report held at Dolly’s in Scarborough,
Monday, 01.24.05
is back with his 4th article on the "Odds
in Pokemon". Today: "The Synergy of
Shadow, who is offering his services as a Pokemon Team
Analyzer for Game Boy Advance games, stops by with two Team
Reviews. Check out
Shadow's Pokemon Team
Garage today.
Friday, 01.21.05 Jason
(a.k.a. Ness) returns with two more Featured Article
for you this weekend.. Today Ness has a look at
Blastoise in Modified, as well as Dark Tyranitar in
Modified. The photo is an image of Ness's girlfriend
that he showed me. Not sure why Ness is playing
Pokemon? He really needs to sort out his priorities.
What's this? A Pokemon cancer gene? ...
"Scientists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)
have identified a new cellular oncogene essential for the
development of cancer. Oncogenes are genes that, when
mutated or dysfunctional, lead normal cells to become
cancerous. The investigators have named the gene POKEMON
(for POK Erythroid Myeloid ONtogenic factor)." -
full story
- Thanks to SS for the newsflash.
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Togetic from Team Rocket Returns. Johnny Blaze, Ness and
Drift None have reviews.
Thursday, 01.20.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Electrode from Team Rocket Returns. Ness, Johnny
Blaze, Otaku and Jaeger have reviews.
Gal sends us a favorite deck that we posted in our
Tips section. for
our readers to review. Do you have a tip or even just a rant
to get off your chest? Send it in to us, we'll post it. Now
is your chance to have a voice.
Wednesday, 01.19.05 I was talking to Ness on AIM
this morning, and he gave me a late Dark Dragonite review
that I popped into the
Pokemon Card of the Day
this morning.
slightly revised his 3rd article on the "Odds
in Pokemon".
Tuesday, 01.18.05 Meganium45
Matrix again today with an all new article.
Today, Meganium45's article is entitled: "From the Player’s
Seat - A Tale of 2 Cities - Rolla, Missouri and Crystal
Lake, Illinois"
Yesterday, Joe Link sent us images of the two new Deoxys
theme deck packaging. Today, he sent us an image of
the new Booster Box packaging. Both are in the
if you want a peek. Thanks Joe.
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Dark Dragonite from Team Rocket Returns. Otaku, Johnny
Blaze and Jaeger have reviews.
Monday ,
01.17.05 Jason
Klaczynski (a.k.a.
Ness) returns with a new Featured Article this week.
Today Ness has a look at Dragtrode in modified.
is back with his 3rd article on the "Odds
in Pokemon".
Joe Link sent us image of the two new Deoxys theme deck
packaging. It's in the
if you want a peek. Thanks Joe.
Friday, 01.14.05 TheDarkTwins “a.k.a.” Drew Guritzky
has updated and added a couple of sections to our
Pokemon TCG Price Guide.
There are now prices posted for EX Sandstorm and EX Ruby &
Sapphire. Nice job Drew!
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Rocket’s Suicune ex Team Rocket Returns. Johnny Blaze,
Jermy101, wolf52525 and Jaeger have reviews.
Shadow is offering his services as a Pokemon Team
Analyzer for Game Boy Advance games. Check out
Shadow's Pokemon Team
Garage if you are looking for some tips with your
GBA Team.
Wednesday, 01.12.05 Meganium45
going to be writing some Featured Articles for the site.
He is going to write a series of articles on the City
Championship 2005 events he runs or attends, from either the
player’s chair or the judge’s chair. Check out
Matrix today.
Well, I guess it's time to put the call out for some more
Pokemon Card of the Day volunteers. I see Johnny Blaze
was the only who could review a card yesterday.
School, work, and singing careers have taken their toll on a
lot of reviewers over the years. If you have knowledge
of the game, and would like to volunteer, feel free to
contact us.
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Rocket’s Entei Team Rocket Returns. Johnny Blaze has a
Steven Reich has some more Music News for you today.
I posted it in the New Pokemon
News section. (The old Pokemon News section
became the Overall News section, so we needed a new one
Tuesday, 01.11.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Warp Point Gym Challenge. Johnny Blaze and Otaku both
have reviews.
Monday, 01.10.05
is back with his 2nd article on the "Odds in Pokemon".
The 2nd article is titled: "Part
2 – The Surprises of Prizes".
Friday, 01.07.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
a 2-fer. We have Rocket’s Moltres ex and a make up
card from yesterday, Rocket's Zapdos ex . Both from
Team Rocket Returns. Otaku and Jermy101both have reviews.
Wednesday, 01.05.05
has a
rebuttal to a rebuttal today in our
Tips section.
Tuesday, 01.04.05 X-Act asked us if he could write
some odds-related articles regarding the Pokemon Trading
Card Game. X-Act's first article is: "Odds in Pokemon".
You can
check it out right here.
And posted a rebuttal to Patriarch's 2004 Pojo Awards in the
Tips section.
Here's some Pokemon News for 2005 as reported by IGN:
"December 29, 2004 - Tsunekazu Ishihara and Junichi Mazuda,
both big names in the world of Pokemon development, have
offered comments to Japan's Dengeki Online game website
hinting that 2005 will be a big year for the Pokemon
franchise in Japan.
Ishihara, the head of the Pokemon Company, reveals that 2005
will see the release of Pokemon games for the GameCube, Game
Boy Advance and DS. Ishihara also makes mention of the
opening of Pokemon Park in the city of Nagoya along with the
release of another Pokemon movie.
Specifically in reference to the upcoming Pokemon Pearl and
Pokemon Diamond, Junichi Mazuda, who heads up developer Game
Freak, reveals to Dengeki that 2005 will see him place all
his power into the development of these first DS entries in
the main Pokemon line of games. "It will become a new type
of game that offers a number of new forms of play," he
states, suggesting that we can expect something beyond the
current RPGs.
Nintendo of America's Pokemon releases trail the Japanese
versions by a few months, but with Pokemon Emerald due out
in April and a number of Pokemon games set to follow, we
expect 2005 to be a big year for Pokemon in America as
well." -
Monday, 01.03.05 Today's
Pokemon Card of the Day is
Rocket’s Articuno ex from Team Rocket Returns. Otaku has
a review.