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Blaze's Banter
The Ludicargo deck
May 25, 2005

Hello again to another edition of Blaze’s Banter.  As promised last week, today we are going to take a look at a generic edition of the ever popular and talked about Ludicargo deck that has been popping up at Regional tournaments across the country.  I say generic because depending on your area’s metagame you can make any necessary changes to the decklist that I provide to you fine folks that read here at Pojo.
So what the heck is Ludicargo you say?  Well basically it is the combination of using Magcargo’s Smooth Over Poke-Power in conjunction with Ludicolo’s Swing Dance Poke-Power to draw any card you want 1x per turn.  Well why not just use Pidgeot’s Quick Search Power then?  Well you see some people still prefer Pidgeot but now Pidgeot players have to worry about the stadium card Battle Frontier and all the Lightning types that are so dominant.  Anyways if you used Pidgeot with Ludicolo it wouldn’t be called Ludicargo and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.  So the power to get any card you want that isn’t in your prizes is so powerful.  This is why that you will see that this deck can run single copies of trainer cards and get away with it.
Ok so your setup will consist of getting that critical Strike and Run attack with Dunsparce as this will setup the most powerful attack of Ludicolo’s Circular Steps.  Circular Steps does 10 damage times the number of Pokemon in play excluding the Ludicolo that is attacking.  Although you will be vulnerable to an opponent’s Steven’s Advice with a full bench you can also benefit from his/her large hand by using Copycat.  So it is a give and take situation. Setting up your Magcargo and Ludicolo is the key.  This is why I have tech’d in one HL Jirachi.  Again this is a call for you to make but Rock-Lock is still a popular deck and the use of  Jirachi’s Make a Wish will help protect your evolutions from being ATM Rocked so easily.  With any deck that uses Scramble energy you will not mind to have your Dunsparce or Jirachi ko’d as a quick way to use Scramble for a ko on your opponents active.   The use of 3 Candy some people may say is much in this deck since we are using Jirachi.  But take a look at the quickness of this deck.  You have many options.  If you just used a Briney on your active Ludicolo you can then Rare candy another onto the bench.  You can also use Candy on a Slugma to get a 1st turn Magcargo and start to Smooth Over for what you need.  There are many possibilities and with 3 evo lines Rare candy is always a good idea.  But just remember that you want to get out Magcargo as fast as you can in this deck.
Lets take a look at our 3rd evo line of Hidden Legends’ Lanturn. Most people don’t consider a true Ludicargo deck if it has Lanturn or any other evo line it.  But since Zappy-ex is a powerhouse, the use of Lanturn in this deck will help with Ludicolo’s Lightning weakness.  With Lanturn’s Lightning Strike it can take out Zappy-ex in one hit or in a mirror match it can take out Ludicolo in one hit.  Also with Lanturn’s Poke-Power: Energy Grounding it also gives you flexibility to save a basic energy card from your knocked out active Pokemon and attach it to a benched one.  Also Lanturn provides another attack option if you happen to run into decks that have Water Resistance like Rayquaza-ex or Sceptile decks.   And remember that Magcargo can also be an attacker if necessary by using the Scramble energy.
Just watch out for Slaking, Vileplume-ex (that will shut off the use of 11 of your trainers) and Muk-ex that can really shut this deck down since it relies heavily on Poke-Powers.  If that is a problem in your metagame then I suggest to take out the Lanturn line and run 2-2 DX Grumpig that can ohko at least both of those Psychic weak Pokemon with its Extra-Ball attack.  In dealing with Slaking try to swarm with Ludicolo and use its 1st attack to heal when necessary.
Pokemon: 21
4 - Dunsparce
3 - Lotad (surprise)
2 - Lombre
3 - Ludicolo (Swing)
2 - Slugma
2 – Macargo (Smooth Over)
2 - Chinchou
2 – Lanturn (HL)
1 - Jirachi (HL)

Trainers: 24
3 - TV Reporter
3 - Steven's Advice
3 – Celio’s Network
3 - Rare Candy
2 - Copycat
2 - Battle Frontier
1 – Desert Ruins
1 - ATM Rock
1 - Crystal Shard
1 – Mr. Briney’s Compassion
1 - Swoop! Teleporter
1 – Strength Charm
1 - Vs Seeker
1 – Warp Point

Energy: 15
8 –Water
2 - Lightning
3 - Double Rainbow
2 - Scramble

Well I hope you enjoyed this article.  This weekend I’ll be at the New England Regional Championships held at TJ Collectibles in Milford, Mass right outside of Boston.  So if you are going to participate come and say hi! Also please contact me at JSChimento@aol.com or AIM me at JSChimento if you wish to discuss this article or any decks. 


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