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Spirit of the Game
By Drew Holton, AKA JediDrew

1. The Spirit of the Game

As a game of skill, the Pokémon TCG is also enjoyed for its complex strategies, entertaining characters, and atmosphere of friendly competition. Being part of a tight game is exciting for everyone involved, and it is with this attitude that we want to emphasize the true spirit of the Pokémon TCG. While there are often prizes to win and titles to earn, the Spirit of the Game demands good sporting conduct and adherence to the rules from all players and volunteers. This spirit should guide the conduct of players as well as the tournament judges as they interpret and enforce the rules.  The following comprises the true Spirit of the Game:

            Have fun! The Pokémon TCG is a great way to meet new friends and to challenge old friends!

            Play fair. A Pokémon player would rather lose a game of Pokémon than win by cheating.

            Observe the rules. A good Pokémon player never deliberately breaks the rules. However, if he or she does so inadvertently and was aware of it, that player should be the first to divulge the misplay to his or her opponent and to a judge.

            Respect others. A Pokémon player never attempts to distract an opponent or otherwise prevent him or her from making the best possible play.

            Display good sporting conduct at all times. A Pokémon player is never ungracious, and even after a tough loss, offers a compliment to his or her opponent.

            Help others learn and enjoy the game. Even at a competitive event, a Pokémon player understands the value of helping all players become better players.

While the objective of a Pokémon TCG tournament is to determine the skill level of each player, the ultimate goal of Pokémon Organized Play is to uphold the Spirit of the Game. By honoring this spirit, we can make Pokémon Organized Play more fun and rewarding for everyone!

The Blunder on Paper

The definition for SotG can be found here in the Tournament Rules.  When first reading it, it seems like some kind of brainwashing scheme.  It seems like it would be something that they'd make all the players stand up at the beginning of events and chant.  Those not enthusiastic enough would be subject to some ridiculous penalty, such as those already issued under this terrible rule.  This of course is silly, but not as silly as POP actually taking this rule to the extremes that it has been exercising lately.

Now if POP just had the standard sportsmanship rule everything would be fine.  However they insist on stretching it into something it wasn't meant to be.  Some of that stuff should just go without saying, while others it is dependant on the player and their views on the game.  None of it really has an impact on anything.  Most of it even has its own section in the rules.  What's the point of SotG then?  I have no clue.

Have fun! The Pokémon TCG is a great way to meet new friends and to challenge old friends! 

Why is this even here?  This is just one of those, what were they thinking when they put that in there.  Obviously people have fun or no one would be playing the game.  The stuff that goes on at events is often much more fun than the game itself.

Play fair. A Pokémon player would rather lose a game of Pokémon than win by cheating.

Observe the rules. A good Pokémon player never deliberately breaks the

rules. However, if he or she does so inadvertently and was aware of it, that

player should be the first to divulge the misplay to his or her opponent and to a judge.

Why don't they just make a rule against cheating?  Oh wait, they have one.  Another what were they thinking.  Some players would disagree with this too.   A misplay is defined by players as an incorrect move when a more correct move is present.  It has nothing to do with rules.  To me this is like someone asking to take his move back.  "It was a misplay and they say I can take those back in the Spirit."  That one needs some fixing up in it if they are going to keep it around.  I don't think that's what they intended when that trash was written.

Respect others. A Pokémon player never attempts to distract an opponent or otherwise prevent him or her from making the best possible play.

Well I'd have to say this one happens quite a lot.  Next time I misplay I'm totally using the Spirit to let me take it back, because my opponent so distracted me.  I mean look at the way he is staring at me while I make my plays.  That is so an evil tactic.  I think cards that prevent use of certain cards fall under this rule too.  Like Armaldo for instance, my poor opponent can't use his Steven Advice, which is his best play.  Sounds like I'm breaking the rules.  I demand the banning of Armaldo and every other card that breaking this rule.  Way to go with this blunder.

Display good sporting conduct at all times. A Pokémon player is never ungracious, and even after a tough loss, offers a compliment to his or her opponent.

Again, this one falls under a sportsmanship rule.  Compliments and such are already a big practice in this game and it really depends on the players.  Some react worse than others to a big loss.  Some people's definitions of a compliment are different too.  Some of the things you hear over the years...

            Help others learn and enjoy the game. Even at a competitive event, a

Pokémon player understands the value of helping all players become

better players.

This is the worst of all in my opinion.  Its like your not allowed to let your opponent misplay and are obligated to tell them the right move.  I don't know about others but I'm not willing to help my opponent win.  I feel its the players responsibility to make themselves better.  They shouldn't need to have others obligated to help them.  Really no point to this one in there.  Players will do what they want and most aren't willing to sit down, especially at a competitive event, and help their opponent.

I didn't realize the game had a true spirit that hung around.  Seems like some sort of scam to me, just like these guidelines.  It sits around events telling the POP officials to punish its players for retarded rules like, having fun and playing fair.  Seems like rules they use on the playground during elementary school.  There is no need to hold players hands like they are five.  We have been playing this game since it came out, we didn't need it then, and we don't need it now.

POP should do a complete redo of this trash or do away with it completely.  It is disrespectful to the players of this game to say you don't have enough faith in them to follow golden rules that have never been written.  Get it right POP.



Email: Dothedrew730@yahoo.com


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