Pojo's Friday News Page
November 11th - 2005
MechWarrior Officer’s Club Leads Support Campaign For Brick
And Mortar Retail Stores
November 1, 2005 (SEATTLE) — WizKids Inc., creator of the
runaway hit games HeroClix® and Pirates of the Spanish
Main™, is proud to announce the advent of the MechWarrior
Officer’s Club, a collector’s program designed to drive
customer support of traditional brick-and-mortar gaming
stores by offering customers who purchase from those stores
opportunities to purchase special collector’s pieces.
“The MechWarrior Officer’s Club is a flagship program that
will carry over to other WizKids game lines,” said Mike
Samora, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at WizKids
Inc. “What began with the Buy it By the Brick program for
HeroClix has grown into a club that supports customers who
support their local retailers.” Beginning in January with
the release of MechWarrior: Domination, customers who
purchase eight boosters of that expansion at a
brick-and-mortar store as opposed to an online store can
enter the MechWarrior Officer’s Club.
Officer’s Club members receive many perks, including the
opportunity to buy Army Builder kits, packs of predetermined
figures that will help them flesh out their armies. Club
members also receive a discount on the kits. The kits will
be produced in extremely limited quantities, and sold on a
first-come, first served basis: once they’re gone, they’re
gone! Army Builder kits will only be made available to
non-Club members at a later date if supplies remain. Other
perks will be announced in the future.
Happy Blood & Water Release Day!
It's the day you've all been waiting for! Today's the
release date for Blood & Water, the first expansion set for
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG, with over 110 new cards, new
mechanics, new leaders, and more of the great gameplay
you're used to!
Here's what you can look for today and in the coming days
and weeks on www.fma-tcg.com and elsewhere:
* Blood & Water card list. The full card list is now up! You
can now view any card from the set, and don't miss the
updated promos list, as well.
* Strategy and decks. We'll continue to provide you with all
kinds of great strategy and decks to put your Blood & Water
cards to use. Tune in on Friday for an analysis of a popular
card from Premier Edition and how it's affected by Blood &
* Magazines. Look for Blood & Water articles and strategy in
many popular gaming and anime magazines, like IQGamer and
Anime Insider, as well as Beckett Anime, which will have a
new FMA TCG price guide, starting next issue and Scrye,
which will have an FMA TCG cover and strategy by Lead
Designer Ian Ryan!
* FMA TCG's 2006 plans. We're almost ready to make major
announcements regarding our expansion plans for 2006 -- and
one of them should really knock your socks off!
Stay tuned to www.fma-tcg.com for everything pertaining to
Blood & Water and beyond! And most of all, have fun with
your new cards!
If you're into Yu-Gi-Oh that is... Yu-Gi-Oh GX for PSP
is coming and it'll be visualised in full 3D
Konami took recent initiative to announce the latest
instalment in a very popular card game thing called Yu-Gi-Oh,
in Japanese print press earlier this week. Revealing the
game's name as Yu-Gi-Oh GX, the company went on to confirm
that it'd appear on Sony's PSP handheld and that for the
first time ever, it will feature full 3D graphics.
Star Wars Blogger: Delusions of Grandeur
While some bloggers are addicted to roleplaying games, one
is busy creating them. During the last decade, VIP blogger
Sterling Hershey has written and designed Star Wars RPG
projects for West End Games and Wizards of the Coast, and is
currently contributing missions for the Star Wars Miniatures
game to the Wizards of the Coast website.
Now entering a new fantasy
Jesper Myrfors has created armies of battle maidens,
diseased zombies, harpy slashers and ravening dire wolves in
his basement game room, and now he's unleashed them to
conquer the world.
Myrfors is the creator of Clout Fantasy, a new game that
includes elements of fantasy role-play, tactical war gaming
and pitching pennies. The game debuted in the United States
in September, and got its European launch in late October.
Dungeons & Dragons Game Day
Play sessions of two to three hours each are scheduled to go
on for 24 hours for the Worldwide "Dungeons & Dragons" Game
Day. To learn more, go to www.dndgame day.com.
Unlike his regular life as an
organic-chemist-turned-game-store-owner, Brandon Petitpren
can be whomever he pleases in a Dungeons & Dragons game.
One day, he's an evil necromancer, who deals with the dead
and raises skeletons. On another, he transforms into a
righteous paladin, a knight in shining armor who saves the
D&D claims day of fame
The curious and the can't-get-enough can learn more about
gaming and meet enthusiasts at area events.
To most people, Dungeons and Dragons is an obscure fantasy
game played in dark basements by nerds with no social lives.
But for Nick Postiglione, co-owner of the Source Comics and
Games store in Falcon Heights, D&D is a versatile, social
game that draws an incredibly diverse group of players.
"People have a stereotype that a gamer is some kind of
social outcast," he said. "That's just not true. We have all
types of people, ranging from professionals to blue-collar
Sony settles PS2 class action suit
Ruling on infamous "disc read error" issue could give
qualifying PS2 owners $25, a free game, free repairs, or a
replacement system.
PlayStation 2 owners whose systems have given them
inappropriate "Disc Read Error" messages are eligible to
reap the benefits of a settlement in a class action lawsuit
they might never have heard of.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (PS2)
Here comes Harry – and he’s as magical as ever!
Ah, the bespectacled one returns with his bi-annual outing
on the big screen and as if conjured up from nowhere here’s
the console game to go alongside it. Movie tie-in cynicism
aside, the Harry Potter games have actually made for pretty
entertaining fare and the fourth instalment is in a similar
Guitar Hero for the Playstation 2 Rocks
Guitar Hero combines addictive game play with some of the
greatest rock songs of all-time and lets gamers experience
the thrill and excitement of being a rock star without
leaving home!
Decode Da Vinci on Your PC

A computer game based on the upcoming Da Vinci Code film, is
being developed by 2K Games, and will coincide with the
movie's release in May 2006.
Sony Pictures' "The Da Vinci Code", is director Ron Howard's
film adaptation of Dan Brown's best-selling novel of the
same name, and stars Tom Hanks as Professor Robert Langdon
and French actress Audrey Tautou among others.
Resident Evil 4 Cheats, Secrets, and Unloackables for
Unlockable weapons, costumes, gameplay modes and more
Resident Evil 4 cheats.
Pokemon unleashes EX Delta Species
Dragonite soars in the Pokemon 'EX Delta Species' series.
The Pokemon trading card game has become more of a magnetic
pull with kids than ever before.
The new ‘EX Delta Species’ expansion series in stores now
focuses on the mysterious subset of Pokemon from the Holon
region. There, existing Pokemon have been transformed by
magnetic forces into the Delta Species who can use two types
of energy while in battle. These enhanced cards can be used
as regular Pokemon or as Energy Cards to augment other
Namco And Nintendo.Com Launch Galactic Space Camp
Sweepstakes For "Atomic Betty(TM)" Video Game
Heralding the retail availability of its "ATOMIC BETTYTM"
Game Boy Advance video game, Namco Homtek Inc, a leading
video games developer and publisher, today announced a
wide-reaching consumer sweepstakes with Nintendo.com for the
month of November.
Located at www.nintendo.com/atomicbetty, the "ATOMIC BETTY"
sweepstakes offers two eligible Grand Prize winners and
their parents the chance to win a week-long stay at the
world-famous Space Camp where they will take an astronaut
training session and learn everything they need to know to
help Betty rid the galaxy of the evil Maximus I.Q. Located
at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, Space Camp features
exciting programs on robot design, flight simulation and
life on a Mars space station.
Nintendo releases details of Wi-Fi service for the UK
Japanese gaming giant Nintendo has released details on its
soon to be launched free Wi-Fi service for the UK. It is due
to be out by November 25 and they are calling it the
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. It would run on The Cloud network
and the BT Openzone wireless service. Nintendo is offering
this service to encourage the online play between the
Nintendo game console owners.
eBay prankster claims his NES can “float”
One seller on eBay seems to have gone a little too far in
his efforts to differentiate his NES console auction from
the rest. The auction enthusiastically titled “FLOATING
Nintendo NES It has floated!” is basically just a NES and
some accessories, with the added bonus that it can be seen
to float if — and only if — you hang it up in the air with
some included fishing line. Isn’t it a little too late for
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury Review
Another amazingly fun game based on a hugely popular Anime
Of all of the Japanese-style animation series on television
today, Dragonball Z is probably far and wide the most
popular. With that said, it is no surprise that this show
has translated into many video games over the past few years
as well.
Dragon Ball Z: Buu’s Fury is one of the more recent of these
games. Developed by Funimation for the Game Boy Advance, and
published by Atari, Buu’s Fury is the third and final
installment in the Legacy of Goku series.