Pojo's Friday News Page
July 15th - 2005
Stores plan late parties for debut of Potter book
So far, British author J.K. Rowling has subjected her young
wizard hero, Harry Potter, to a bloodthirsty basilisk; a
fire-breathing dragon; man-eating spiders; murderous chess
pieces; a reluctant werewolf; tenacious aquatic creatures
named grindylows, who’d like to drown him; and a rogue
sports ball called a bludger, that’s bent on bashing in his
She’s also given him a healthy supply of the more pedestrian
problems of adolescence, including bullies, rivals, stacks
of homework and a bad case of puppy love.
Legions of Rowling fans can’t wait to see what’s next.
Worldwide, they’re counting the hours until the release at
12:01 a.m. July 16 of the sixth book in Rowling’s popular
series - “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”
WizKids Announces First CCG: High Stakes Drifter
WizKids Inc., creator of the runaway hit games HeroClixR and
Pirates of the Spanish Main(tm), is proud to announce their
first Collectable Card Game (CCG): the multi-player wild
west game High Stakes Drifter!
“High Stakes Drifter mixes the excitement of betting and
bluffing in a saloon-style game with the customizable fun of
a CCG,” said Mike Samora, vice president of Sales and
Marketing at WizKidsR. “Unlike many CCGs, High Stakes
Drifter becomes increasingly fun as more people join the
game. Large groups work best!” The game uses a betting and
bluffing system similar to Hold ‘Em where players challenge
each other based on Skills, Smarts, and Luck.
High Stakes Drifter also features the fickle favor of Lady
Luck in the form of Kicker Chips that are playing chips
included in every booster pack that can have positive or
negative effects on game play.
High Stakes Drifter will be sold in Starter Sets (MSRP 9.99)
and Booster Packs (2.99), and will be available in November
of 2005. Everything two people need to play comes in one
Starter Set, including a predetermined deck and kicker
chips. Players expand their collections through randomly
inserted cards and chips in Booster Packs.
State of the RPG: PC
Grab a tankard of Mountain Dew and don your Slippers of Rapt
Attention...it’s time to talk roleplaying!
Yesterday we kicked off our first State of the RPG features
on the Xbox channel. Today, we’re going to be taking a look
at roleplaying games (RPGs) on the PC, discussing their
roots, some of the standout titles in the genre and offering
up some indications of how the PC RPG can be improved and
expanded beyond its current form. Since we’ve got over
twenty years of PC RPG history here, we’ll have to take a
slightly longer view than you’ll see on the console
channels. So settle in, grab a tankard of Mountain Dew and
don your Slippers of Rapt Attention.
Defining the GenreMost people tend to associate RPGs with
sword-swinging maidens in chainmail bikinis and doddering
old white-bearded mages in robes spattered with owl poop.
While the high fantasy setting is certainly the stock
background for most RPGs, an RPG is defined not by its
content but by its manner of presentation. To be a true RPG,
a game must contain three elements. First, it should offer
up an interactive story in which the player takes a vital
part. Second, RPGs must allow for character growth that’s
driven by a player’s choices or actions. Finally, RPGs must
be built upon a system of rules and statistics that are used
to resolve the events that take place in the world.
‘Transformers’ Will Be More Than Meets The Eye at
Theatres Nationwide on 07-04-07
The live-action “Transformers” movie has been set to open
nationwide on 07-04-07, it was jointly announced today by
DreamWorks Pictures, Hasbro, Inc.(NYSE: HAS - News), and
Paramount Pictures.
The feature, based on the globally popular Transformers
franchise, will be directed by Michael Bay (upcoming “The
Island,” “Armageddon”) from a screenplay being written by
Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (upcoming “The Island”).
Steven Spielberg (“War of the Worlds”) is executive
producing the film, with Lorenzo di Bonaventura (upcoming
“Four Brothers”), Tom DeSanto (“X-Men” and “X2: X-Men
United”) and Don Murphy (“The League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen”) serving as co-executive producers.
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW
The Revolution In Wrestling Has Started
This game really symbolizes the real wrestling, unlike WWE
SMACKDOEN HCTP; this game shows the reality in wrestling
matches. I am talking about the speed, the previous game as
so fast & so aggressive! But this game is neither slow or
fast though! As far as wrestler’s concerned, I think this
game lacks none other than Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, Matt
Morgan, Nathan Jones, Hulk Hogan, Hurricane, Rosie, Piper,
Lita, Miss Jackie, Maria (I love her), Christy Hemme, Jeff
Hardy, Jamal, Basham Brothers, Shaniqua, Steven Richards,
Rikishi, etc....All of this are still considered, but the
entrance music of BATISTA ?????? Offff !!!!! Doesn’t he have
his own entrance music?? And where’s winning move with
music? I guess you guys forgot to add this version of works
to this game.
Trailers and footage galore for Ultimate Destruction game
Fans of big, green lumpiness will probably feel a desperate
urge to visit the newly launched The Incredible Hulk:
Ultimate Destruction site.
Here, you’ll be able to view trailers and
behind-the-scenes/game footage, gloat at concept art and
screens, contribute to the forums, and link to various other
Hulk fansites. It also promises to be regularly updated too,
so well worth popping back in order to sate your unrelenting
green skin fetish.
And that’s just about it. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate
Destruction is due to release on PS2, Xbox and GameCube in
August. WebSite
Pokemon Colosseum: Bonus Disc
The US Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disk Has the Following:
· A Pokemon Colosseum Preview
· The Jirachi Wish Maker Movie Trailer
· A Downloadable Jirachi, Which Comes With a Rare Berry
Pokemon USA, Inc., a worldwide leader in trading card games,
today announced the results of the Pokemon Trading Card Game
(TCG) National Championships, which were held in Columbus,
Ohio on July 2-3. With more than 400 players competing in
this year’s premier tournament, Pokemon Organized Play (POP)
saw a 35 percent increase in attendance from the previous
year, making it the most successful Pokemon TCG National
Championship ever. On the final day of competition, POP
awarded a total of 12 invitations and travel awards to 2005
World Championships, and $15,000 in scholarships to top
Pokémon Mystic Ticket and Pikachu VW Beetle.
From Thursday, July 14th to Sunday, July 17th, Pokemon
players and fans attending the 2005 Comic-Con International
in San Diego, CA will have a chance to catch two of the
hottest Pokemon; Ho-Oh and Lugia! Comic-Con International is
the largest comics and pop culture convention in the country
with over 87,000 attendees in 2004.
Each day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., fans
can visit Booth 2029, and receive the Mystic Ticket, which
gives you the opportunity to catch Ho-Oh and Lugia. Fans
will need to bring their Game Boy Advance system, Pokemon
FireRed, Pokémon LeafGreen or Pokemon Emerald Game
Pak and a wireless adapter to download the Mystic Ticket.
New info on Diamond and Pearl as a mysterious third title
gallops over the horizon12:54 Pokémon producer Junichi
Masuda has revealed new details on the upcoming Pokémon
Diamond and Pearl on the DS, according to internet reports.
Apparently the kleptomaniac action takes place in an
entirely new land this time around. While no new monsters
types are likely to put in an appearance, there’ll be some
brand new Pokémon to bash around with in addition to the
usual roster. What’s more, you’ll be able to transfer your
bulging Pokémon collection over from previous installments
in the series, presumably by jamming the titles into the
DS’s GBA cartridge slot.
There’s also talk of some kind of wi-fi play with up to
sixteen players able to beat each other’s furry critters to
a pulp simultaneously.
Pokemon preorders get skin for ‘Cube

Gamers who reserve Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness receive a
custom vinyl skin adorned with critters from the series.
Pokemaniacs will soon be able to get their hands on some
skins of some of their favorite Pokemon characters. No need
to call PETA, as taxidermists aren’t going to start some
form of indiscriminate Poke-cide and remove the creatures’
Nintendo may launch USB WiFi adapter for DS online
Japanese giant makes it easy for non-technical users to
bring the DS online
Unconfirmed reports this week indicate that Nintendo is
planning to launch a branded WiFi adapter which users
without existing wireless network gear can plug into their
PCs to let them go online with the Nintendo DS - and