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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

Grimore of Thade

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 03.03.04

Average Rating: 3.26

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Paul Hagan I really really really like The Grimoire of Thade. I like any card that lets you get a two-for-one ability. Ok, so you won a contest, what are you going to do...Draw or Bank? How about both? Sound good? Exactly. The drawback is minimal, as if you don't draw an Experienced Neopet within your first few turns, you can just use it as a decent item. The only drawback I can see for playing this is the 1NP value...but then, I guess the card might be a bit unfair at any higher value. It doesn't go in every deck, but it is cool, so:

3.5 out of 5 stars.
emdman As long as I can remember, all trading card games had “IT”. “IT” being the cards that let’s you draw two cards. In Pokemon, there was Bill. In Yu-Gi-Oh, there was Pot of Greed. And now in Neopets, it’s the Grimore of Thade and Library Visit.

Fortunately for us, Wizards has learned from their mistakes from Bill and gave these cards major setbacks. In this case, you can only bank this card when you’ve won a contest with an Exp. Neopet. Plus it’s a book, meaning that it has low bank value, but maybe you can use Cleansing Flames to replace it with a Four. Sure, you can use it in a contest, but chances are you will keep it in you hand and bank it for the two cards.

I’d give this card a 3.8/5. It’s a pretty good card, but put in Cleansing Flames along with it.
Noah Grimore of Thade

'you can only bank this card when one of your Experienced Neopets

Wins a Contest.

When you bank this card draw two cards.'

Hmm this looks like our second book of the week. Lets get started.

This book is very interesting, even though it looks nice when you first look at it, it has a few Major Drawbacks.


-Can only bank with experienced Neopets

-One bank point(No so good. I try to stay away from low banking cards.


+5 intelegence

+Draw two cards effect

I just dont know about this card, if you have a steady book deck its a keeper but if you dont, dont worry about it.

2.5/5- I dont like it, but if you use a book deck, go right ahead and use it.



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