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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

ring of sloth
Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Ring of Sloth

Dr. Sloth

Date Reviewed: 7.07.04

Average Rating: 3.15

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Ring of Sloth

Item | Ring | Fire

Strength - | Agility - | Magic 3 | Intelligence - | Bank 0

To play this in a contest you need a Fire Neopet.  When you bank this card with a Fire Neopet or Hero, choose a card in your opponent's bank and discard it.

12/100 RoDS Uncommon


Why would anyone want to bank a card that has no bank value?  Because it gets rid of points in your opponents bank!  Golden Negg?  Gone!  Hubrid Nox Statue?  Discarded!


This card is very helpful in any type of stall deck.  It removes the big points from your opponent's bank at the cost of not banking anything yourself.... or can you?  Can you think of any other Fire cards that might be helpful?  Cleansing Flames anyone?


Other than that, there isn't much need for it.  It could come in handy if you finally got your momentum going but your opponent is about to win by buying you more time.  But, it's better to build decks out of things that can help in almost any situation.




This card can be a major player in Fire-based stall decks.  In other decks, it usually isn't any more helpful than it is hurtful.  It scores a 2.8 of 5.

Ring of Sloth

Item | Ring | Fire
Strength +0 | Agility +0 | Magic +3 | Intelligence +0
Bank: 0

To play this in a contest, you need a Fire Neopet. When you bank this card with a Fire Neopet or Hero, choose a card in your opponent’s bank and discard it.


Would you look at that? Another card to add to the growing power of that Fire deck I talked about last time…


Ring of Sloth is strictly something you will want to bank, despite the nonexistent Bank stat. It gives a small +3 to Magic, and no stats anywhere else. It is an Item, meaning that you can play it during a contest either on your turn or your opponent’s, but obviously only in the Magic arena. I don’t know why “Ring” is there, since it’s plain to see what it is. As well, it’s Fire, so it works well with Draiks, Scorchios, etc.


You can only use this if there is a Fire Neopet in play, meaning you don’t need to tap anything. That’s customary of Items. As well, you must win a contest on your turn with a Fire Neopet or Hero to bank this card. That won’t be terribly hard, if you correctly build a deck.

Like I said before, this is strictly a card that you will want to bank. Although its Bank is a pathetic 0, it is something you may want to try out. You get to choose one card in your opponent’s Bank pile, and discard it. How good is that, you may be asking. Well picture using two of these to drop your opponent’s near-complete Bank from 20 points to 12, if they’re using 4-point Bank cards.

On top of taking out the high-Bankers, you can discard problematic cards whose effects activate as soon as they hit the Bank pile. This also includes any Neopets or Heroes whose stats increase depending on how many of a certain card is in the Bank pile, which you can regulate.


Perhaps use it after Retribution to take a high-Bank card out of your opponent’s Bank pile? Possibly use it with Cooty, although adding extra cards to the fray can become unreliable. I really can’t think of anything else to use this card for that would be an ultimate combo sort of thing. It’s use is quite basic, really.


3.5/5 – If it had a bank stat, it would be much, much better. I think it would work great in a Fire deck, or a hybrid Fire deck.


Decreasing the amount of points in your opponent’s Bank is great, but won’t win you the game single-handedly. You need to increase your own Bank. But still…who wouldn’t want to mess their opponent’s strategy?



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