Re:  Why Nobody Will Ever Cheat on the Pro Tour.
(Click here to read if you missed this article)
Ok, a few comments first:  Jeff has gone out of his way before to help me improve my abilities and I appreciate that greatly; I've learned from reading his past reports and probably will in the future; and I'm "assuming" everyone is allowed an opinion.  But I have to take the 'gloves off'; There IS no magic line drawn in the sand... where people cross and no longer cheat!
It's ludicrous and unacceptably humorous to think that any juvenile will stop cheating because they become a 'pro' (and read into that as much as you'd like; I use 'juvenile' to mean anyone who feels cheating is acceptable and may even condone or accept it as well as practice it)
Now if you're racing to see if you can find my name in the Top 8 in any recent tournament, don't bother.  It's not there.  Is that because I'm a fantastic player who gets beat by 'cheaters'? Nope. I lose due to lack of experience and ability, and that 'luck' factor that IS part of the game (yes, I win too, at times... more than I lose I guess)
Let's look at the premise that I 'heard' from reading Jeff's article (because the whole problem may be that I misunderstood his article).
'People that rise all the way to the top do so because they're experts in skill and feel cheating lessens their actions which they have pride in.'
That is such a deluded statement I kept expecting Jeff to laugh, or toss in a punch line. I'm sure he knows cheating is rampant at every level.  These people getting the publicity ARE (ok, 'were') on the pro tour.  And I have heard all sorts of pro-tour players accept the fact that cheating will always exist, you should watch for it and deal with it WHEN it happens. (I agree with this, and believe it will be the only deterrent beyond DCI penalties that will have any noticeable effect).  Jeff, I sincerely mean no offense to you, you have insights I don't have and I appreciate learning from any source that helps. But if someone cheats and finds success in it, they can make the pro-tour.  Do you really feel they'll suddenly stop and go "Hey, I'm good... I don't need to do that any more"?  The pressure is even more real and intense to them then, and they're playing better players so they'll cheat to stay at that level (if money's involved they'll rationalize a "little" cheating).
One thing I can see achieved from saying "Ignore the man behind the curtain" is that some of those with less than pro-tour status, playing against a pro-tour player will falsely assume there will be no cheating.  And that is simply Wrong.
Jeff didn't laugh, and to suggest that 'Pro tour players __(fill_in_the_blank)__ doesn't stink is insulting.  You're projecting an idea that harms those you're supposed to be protecting/ helping/ or serving. Don't forget your role as a writer or publisher.. Inform your readers; don't misinform them. I feel you've sent them 'into battle without all their armor'. Maybe that's a little strong but I feel it's a little too accurate for me to sit quietly at my desk and sigh.
In my opinion, you should encourage a "no tolerance for cheating" stance instead of drawing an imaginary line and saying "we don't cheat over here".  'You' may not, but there are far too many people on that side of the line who do.
Sincerely, and stepping off the 'soap-box'...
Todd Roemmich
The NON-pro tour player