I'm back! with an alterntive tooth 'n nail deck t2- phoenix


Well i've been really busy the past few weeks so im sorry for not posting the deck sooner. I'd also like to say sorry to the people that i failed to respond to, my computer was on the fritz and my email didnt work. Well enough about that lets get to the deck. this deck is an alternative tooth ad nail deck thats focused on control. I really like this deck but it loses to an affinity (thats really good not any regular affinity, a really really good one) 80% of the time but will win against literaly any other deck.  I do have some cards in this deck that arent the greatest but thats because I have premium foils sets of 4 of these cards so bare with me.

well here's the deck.


Blue/green Tooth



4x Cloudposts

9x Forests

10x Islands


Green spells:

3x Tooth and Nails

3x Sylvan Scryings


Blue spells:

4x Mana Leaks

4x Condescends

3x Echoing Truths

4x Serum Visions

4x Rewinds


Tooth Creatures:

1x Platinum Angel

1x Darksteel Colosus

1x Leonin Abunas

1x Bringer of the Black

1x Bringer of the White

1x Hovergaurd Sweepers



3x Solemn Simulcrums

3x Mind Slavers


Well theres the deck. I'd personaly rate this higher than the other decks I've posted (so far). It's a nice deck and well it's pretty fun too.



Questions? Comments?

Hate/Fan mail? Need help on a deck?

Email me at kombat555@hotmail.com



until next time!!! phoenix