Subject: Extended tournament, Milwaukee WI, by Dustin Burazin Extended tournament, Milwaukee, WI. Prizes: 1 Arena foil, 2 promo land. First place prize. 2nd place: 1 Arena foil, 1 promo land. Players in attendance: 8 Reason for such a low amount of players: Small town gaming shop,not for hard core players out for Blood. Considering the number of players, it was a great turn out, as most of the time, its mostly just 4 player tournaments. I show up at the tournament, with My Brother, Kurt, at around 5:15, and just hang for a while, trash talkin a bit. More people show up for the tournament, and a half or so later, the games start. I play My W/R Trenches 4x Goblin trenches 4x Goblin Legionnaire 4x Order/Chaos 3x Topple 3x Holy Day 2x Breath of Darigaaz 1x Smash 2x Scorching lava 2x Flametongue Kavu 2x Flameshot 4x Mogg Fanatic 1x Helm of Possession 1x Chrome Mox 3x Battlefield Forge 12x Mountain 12x Plains Side board: 4x Disenchant 2x Tempest Of Light 3x Smash 2x Goblin Replica 4x Molten Rain Round 1: Alex,F. Myr incubator haste. He plays first, plays Mass Hysteria, and passes. I play Mountain, Mogg Fanatic, attack. He plays land, and Leaden Myr, I play Plains, Goblin legionnaire, Attack, He takes. This really plays the same both games, I play goblin, He plays Land, Goblin, land, Trenches, Land, Myr Enforcer. Burn, Sacrifice Fanatic, kill Enforcer. It really wasn't that interesting, other than watching Him play artifact lands all game. 2-0 Round 2: Ghong, Goblin token with Goblin Benbardment. I play first, with fanatic, He plays Cloud post. I player land, Legionnaire, attack, He takes. He plays Benbardment. Pass. Play Trenches, Attack, He takes. Plays Some kind of Damage prevention thingy, from Marcadian Masques. I play land. Attack, He takes. He plays Siegegang commander. I play some random card, attack, He Blocks accordingly, and takes somewhere between 1 and 2 damage. He manages to get out quite a bit of tokens, sacrifice theme, and deal some damage to me, but otherwise, it was a bit of a Slaughter on My half. Game 2: Game 2 goes alot like game one, but He gets the right draw, with Goblin Marshals coming out what seems like everyturn, and sacrificing them to deal damage, and get more tokens, But due to My cleverly Breath of Darigaaz, I eliminate His team. Shortly after He losses, But not after a Grand Battle. ( Of token Flinging, that is.) Game 3: I slaughter Him with the early beatdown, and enchantment D. ( I sided in Disenchants.) 4-1 Round 3: Kurt, playing Reanimate. (Oddesy type 2 version, with no entomb.) I don't want to bore you with this match up, I was simply just to fast, and Him taking too long to set up, and getting his Monsters Order'd away. :( 6-1 Round 4: Alex, M. Old school Zombie Bring-back-from-the-dead. I yet win again, after He plays for 'Fun', as he was too tired to play anymore. It was Basically a free 2-0 on my half. I wish He would have stayed though, since He did have a cool deck. 8-1 Round 5: Alex, A. Type2 slide. Game one was all about speed, which I had. Game two and three thou, was all about control. With Me Removing His Eternal Dragons and Exalted Angels from the game. I lose both of the last two games, thou. At one point I did have to face down 8 soldier tokens, an Angel, and a 3/6, Had I blocked Properly, I would have won. Sorry folks, But I think you all Have a good Idea how this match up goes. 9-3 Round 6: Alex, L. Black with a splash of blue, control, with Nantuko Shade. Game one was again in My favor, But around this time, Im not feelin well ( and still not ) and manage to forget to watch Him closely. (Just something I do, watch and learn. Not that He cheated at all.) I end up Toppling His shade, and, But He ends up with a Isochrone Scepter with counter spell in play, which I end up playing around mostly perfectly. Until game two, where He uses Mind slaver on Me, and Properly counters My Trenches, with me having a boat full of land available, and using Haunting Echoes to finish Me off, needless to say, He won that game, But I still pull both Wins against Him, and pull off a cool 2-1. 11-4 Round 7: Stewart, Psychatog. Around this point, I make some Serious play errors, as does He, but not as many as Myself. Needless to say, I got a Trenches out, and start pounding for a game one win. Game 2 He sideboards in Infests, and Kills Me like a Cat with a Fish. Head first.( Or is it body?) Game 3 fallows the same as game 2, but even longer, with the rest of the players finishing up, I start to get real tired, and then the Upheaval comes, and I see Myself drifting from the board thinking: " Maybe I should just quite." Needless to say, yet again, He makes My goblins Look like rabbits with Antlers. Vary strange. It was the second biggest loss of the day. :( 12-5 My record is somewhere around there. I end up tying for second.Against the Blue/black deck. We decide to coin flip, since everyone is tired, and the store closed 2 hours ago. I lose. Ahh well, that's what I get for going for blood, instead of fun. Wait, that doesn't make sense, since everyone that played for fun, ended up losing, really bad. Props: To the owner, Matt, for holding extended, Kurt, for urging Me to play two days in a row, Stewart and Alex A. For giving My blood a good course to flow. Slops: To Me, for losing, and only losing because I DIDN'T BLOCK PROPERLY. Anyone with any suggestions for the deck, post it on the message boards, for all too see. Thanks for reading. -Dustin Burazin