Subject: Worldgorger Dragon Type 2 The idea was to come up with a fairly quick way to come up with infinite mana, while still being type 2. 10 Mountain 10 Island 02 Jayemdae Tome 02 Worldgorger Dragons 03 Blaze 03 Goblin Matron 03 Raging Goblin 03 Sciverner 04 Counter Spell 03 Unsummon ------------------ 43 Total Cards This takes a little bit of time, like 8 turns, or so, but if you get it you are just fine. You need enough mana to cast both an Unsummon, and a Worldgorger Dragon(WgD), in the same turn. Even more, if against a black or blue deck, to counter. This deck plays as follows: (X) is turns it takes to play WgD, minus 1 turn Turn 1 - X: Bring out the cannon fotter (Goblins), and counter what you need to. On turn X Play Scrivener, get the counter spell in graveyard. * Also make sure you have unsummon in hand. On the next turn, TAP ALL MANA, play WgD. (FLOAT BLUE MANA) Remove all other permanents from the game. Play Unsummon on WgD with the floating mana. WgD leaves play, all permanents come back in game untapped Rinse and repeat. Use Blaze to kill. Chris Bowman