Subject: magic deck idea
My name is Mickey Lenahan and I thought up a killer mon removal deck.It's designed to wipe the field and use fatties to turn my enemy into a bloody pulp         
 here are the cards and reasons for them:
royal assassin x4:mon removal
grotesque hybrid x4:more mon removal
cockatrice x4:defense and mr (mon removal)
spiritmonger x4:fattie with asome abilitys
draco x4:king fattie
terror x2:mr
dark banishing x2:mr
hand of death x2:mr
hurricane x2:mr
swamp x17:need it
forest x17:need it
This deck can beaten by a control and\or burner.I chose draco for his power(9\9) spiritmonger for his abilitys(regeneration,color changing,and getting stronger each timehe deals damage)he's also a 6\6 and the rest fit the theam.So in the end it's pretty good and if you like monster removal this deck is for you.
            if you can improve it email me at