Please post this, for this is very important. STOP BEING SO STUPID ROOKIES! As soon as I saw the combo " Coalition Flag", I fliped! The Flagbearers only affect your opponent! If you want an example, say you have a Coalition Honor Guard and you play Dark Banish. Your Honor Guard IS NOT AFFECTED. In fact, this combo screws YOU over since, say, you want to play Quicksilver Dagger on one of your creatures. Instead, you must attach it to the Flagbearer! Another thing is that if, say, Quicksilver Dagger is in play on one of your creatures and you use it, YOUR OPPONENT IS DAMAGED! Don't believe me? Look at Quicksilver Dagger and any Flagbearer. The Flagbearer is only affected by spells that can target it, but Quicksilver Dagger says "1 damage to target PLAYER". Therefore, Q.D. can't be avoided by the Flagbearer.