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Duels 2013 Features:
Manual mana tapping and end step


Players asked for it, and Wizards of the Coast is bringing manual mana tapping to Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013! Now, when you are playing a multicolor deck, you have the option of easily specifying which lands you would like to tap. Simply highlight the card in your hand you’d like to play and the default lands that would be tapped to play the spell will become highlighted. To change the lands that will be tapped, press the Left Control button on Steam, press the Left Thumb-Stick button on Xbox/PS3, or tap the card again on iPad. The new land selection will then become highlighted. You can scroll through these options until you find the land combination you’d like to tap. You can watch a video explaining the new feature on the official Magic YouTube channel. check it out

Another new feature for Duels 2013 is the addition of the Magic “End Step,” which is one final step after the main phase that more advanced players will enjoy. This extra step allows players to use instants, search for things and do more before the next turn. This is particularly useful with cards that let you do things like search for a basic land. With the End Step, players can do this at the end of their opponent’s turn now and have a land ready to go for their turn.

D13 End Step.png




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