Hi If you have a chance could you overhaul this mono black for me..thanks jim DECK 16 swamps 4 cabal coffers 4 grinning demons 4 nantuko shades 4 looming shades 2 phage the untouchable 3 visara 4 innocent blood 4 smother 4 chainers edict 4 hollow specters 4 festering goblins 3 dirge of the dead ............................. sideboard 4 cabal therapy 4 duress 3 mutilate 3 bane of the living 1 dirge of the dead thank jim -------------------------------------- First off, LAND!!!! Ugh! I'm tired of people playing too little land! 16 swamps 4 cabal coffers ugh! Looks better at 22xSwamps 2xCabal Coffers As for creatures-- 4 grinning demons (I wouldn't) 4 nantuko shades 4 looming shades (Not good) 2 phage the untouchable (What???) 3 visara, the dreadful (3?) 4 hollow specters (Cool) 4 festering goblins (cool) Thats a lot! Use less critters 4xNantuko Shade 4xHollow Specter 4xFestering Goblin 2xVisara, the Dreadful 2xUndead Gladiator(Card draw) Spells look good 4 innocent blood 4 smother 4 chainers edict 3 dirge of the dead I'd change to 4xDuress 2xCabal Therapy 4xSmother 3xInnocent Blood 1xRiptide Replicator 2xDiabolic Tutor 4xChainer's Edict ............................. sideboard 4 cabal therapy 4 duress 3 mutilate 3 bane of the living 1 dirge of the dead SB should be based on environment, If a lot of people play white and use CoP, play replicator, if creature heavy use creature destruction... I'd also slap the Mirari in somewhere... -Hope I helped Brett