Freedom Force- Jake Foskuhl


Another team I like to use is a cheap, annoying team that packs a lot of people on it. This is my version of Freedom Force. Freedom Force, as you may or may not know, was originally the Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Mystique thought that after a while it was too dangerous to keep operating as terrorists, so she made a daring offer- she and her team would act as agents for the government and do their dirty work in exchange for immunity from persecution. And so Freedom Force was born!

History lesson aside, here is the version I made.


Mystique- Exp.- 43 pts.- Perplex, Stealth, Energy Explosion- Team leader and enhancer.


Blob- Exp.- 42 pts. - Charge, Toughness, Inacpacitate- 'Heavy hitter', mostly a meaty shield.


Toad- Exp.- 30 pts.- Charge, Leap/Climb, Incapacitate- Shield, weak attacker.


Pyro- Exp.- 35 pts.- Energy Explosion, Barrier, Ranged Combat Expert- Nice ranged attacker.


Avalanche- Exp.- 26 pts.- Energy Explosion, Barrier- Cheap Barrier.


Destiny- Exp.- 23 pts.- Super Senses, Probability Control- Good support, essential to the team.


Total- 199 pts.


    The strategy is pretty simple- All of them have the Brotherhood team ability, so they can move for free. Pyro and Avalanche are great for tying up heavy hitters. Place Mystique in some hindering terrain and have her increase her damage or Pyro's. She is the best person on the team; keep her safe. Blob and Toad should be behind Avalanche and Pyro, respectivly, and act as body guards, both using

Charge to distract enemies while the Pyro and Avalanche can retreat. I love Barrier, and the two should use it to trap a heavy hitter without flight while Mystique slowly withers them down. Destiny is here to insure that Pyro doesn't miss, since he has only 8 attack, and to make enemies hit his 17 defense twice. Destiny can't fight, but she has Super Senses, combined with Probability Control, which makes her a cheap, annoying insect.


Overall, this is an annoying team that leaves your opponent frustrated, thinking, 'Why can't he lose Barrier', or 'Why won'y Destiny DIE?'. The only thing missing from the team is Spiral, one of the oringinal members, but I don't have the money to buy her. You could replace Blob and Toad for Spiral, which would definitly improve the team, and have room for a medic.


This isn't a tourney-winning team, but is sure is fun to use.

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