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Cramcompany’s Competitive Corner

For The Advanced Clicker Looking to Improve his Game.

How to get Lucky.
(Or How I won the 2006 Philadelphia World Championship)


The Story goes something like this; I drove from Michigan with three other clickers to chase a dream that I just happened to catch. It involved a little luck, a bit of skill and 5 months of play testing, but I achieved my dream. Now let’s look at how you can achieve this too.

The Team is the biggest part of winning. A lot of people were surprised at my team and viewed them as underdogs, but in most match-ups that was not the case. That statement is not from bragging, but from simply testing my team against other skilled players in Grand Rapids. Making tweaks and changes until my team won nearly every game it played against almost any typical strategy. I will discuss the team in a separate article, but for now here is a basic run down.

Kill Girl Squad
71 Iron Fist + 10 Incontact with Oracle + 8 Protected + = 89 Points
38 Veteran Lockjaw + 10 Incontact with Oracle + 5 Double Time= 53 Points
67 LE Aurora (Jeanne-Marie) + 10 Incontact + 8 Protected + Thunderbolts (usually Suicide Squad) = 89 points (same as the Fist)
27 Oracle = 27 Points
1 Lian Harper x 3 = 3 Points
8 Rookie Paramedic = 8 Points
31 Rookie Jean Gray = 31 Points

Total = 300 Points

Today’s not about explaining the team, but the basic concept was it was either a LAMP style team…minus the poison (???). Aka Iron Fist was carried to the front lines and would hit a big gun for 4 during the following turn. If that was too risky, the team becomes a slingshot team with Jeanie-Marie. One of these two methods seemed to work against almost any team.

Playing the Team was the real challenge, but play the team I did. I played some version of this team every chance I had for about 5 months. The team always had LE Aurora, Jean Gray and Suicide Squad, other then that everything seemed to change. It had many incarnations including Ultimate Spider-man and Havok instead of Iron Fist and Lockjaw. At one point it even had Emerald Empress and LE Jeanne-Marie; basically it was the exact same team I played in the final four. Then it became Iron Fist and rookie Lockjaw with starter set Spider-man. That was played until about a month before the tournament, when the play testers and I decided that the junkyard map hindered Spider-man too much. Then finally I came about the last incarnation of my team. The most important thing in team building is being willing to pull off the entire point of the team to make it better. Nothing can be sacred and no team should have a better then 50/50 shot at you.

Designing Around the Cards is something to definitely consider when playing in the major tournaments. KC Flash is so brilliant, because nothing hurts him too much. The major wrecker cards aka Disbanded and Poor Team Work do not effect him a lick, but can crumble other teams. The general rule is this; IF there is a silver bullet (one card that destroys your team) your opponent will have it first round. But if you manage to pull off the victory through a stroke of luck, your next opponent will probably play the same card. Ordinary Day only saves you once. If there was no such thing as Battle Field Conditions then I’m sure there would only be two teams, Fantastic Four Team with the 21 defense Human Torch and the only team that beats that team, Emerald Empress. So even though they get a lot of negative attention Battle Field Conditions help diversify the team building.
So when you build you must take into account every battle field condition and nothing can rely on one single strategy. Diversity is truly the key here. This lead to my final change with my team; removing 8 Lian Harper POGS and adding a rookie Paramedic. I had to do this, because when I had people play Disbanded against me, it was too powerful. It definitely helped, because in the final round I was Disbanded. When this happened all I lost was a second way to heal and had three points of pointless POGS. If I had been War Zoned then I had my Pogs, by diversifying I was never capable of getting wrecked by a single card.

Shoot the Hostage is one of the most important strategies in Heroclix or Chess for that matter. Oh and perhaps the best line from the movie Speed. This means you’re willing to do something that hurts you to hurt your opponent even worse. The classic example is throwing a Lian POG at a major character and making them kill her or roll to break away. This will lose you a figure and a point, but change the tempo of the game in your favor. The other way to do this is with Battle Field Conditions. Sometimes a Battle Field Condition hurts your team, but wrecks another team and is thus worth playing. I played War Zone in the final four, because I had Suicide Squad fodder and two Protected Cards. Thus I could heal without with a neutered Paramedic, but my opponent could not. Another good example is one of my play testers Jamie, played a Black Adam/LE Jeanne- Marie team and played Poor Teamwork. Poor Teamwork destroyed his ability to sling-shot, but completely wrecks a LAMP team. Once Poor Teamwork is played he would still have two HSS figures with better movement then probably anybody in the game.

Playing the game is a great deal more nerve-wracking then play-testing, but you must remember it is just a game. Perhaps more importantly it is a dice game and no matter how good you are there is still an amount of luck involved. Nobody on this planet can beat Icons Superman with Fortitude if he rolls impervious 10 times in a row. Sometimes it is just simple pairing, I played a the nicest man since Jesus first round who told me; “he wanted to lose so he could walk to convention” and two of my friends played former World Champions that went on to the final four. Winning Worlds is a lot of fun, I recommend everyone does it at least once  But as my girlfriend said when I told her I won;
“That’s great, did you win any money?”
“No, baby…but Jamie’s going to buy me dinner tonight!”

It’s all just a game, have a lot of fun with it. Fun is the reason you started.

“Good, bad, I’m the Guy with the Clix”,

Questions, comments or ideas or can all be address at cramcompany@hotmail.com

Please no hate mail 

PS: More on how to play this team, a play by play of the tournament and a MY PERSONAL INTERVIEW with SETH. and other play tips later. Don’t forget to sign up for the new issue of Critical Hit Magazine.

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