

Whassup Crusader!!
uhh i need help with my deck cause it is well...... crappy.
here is the deck:

1 McGonagall

4 Potions exam
3 Burning Bitterroot Balm
4 Bravado
4 Potions Class Disaster
3 Bluebell Flames
4 Streams of Flame
3 Teacup to Rat

3 the Standard Book of Spells Grade One
1 Phoenix Feather Wand
2 Borrowed Wand

4 wand shop

11 potions
11 charms

Strategy: Use Wand Shop for extra power in charms, and use the potions class disaster/potions exam to stall opponent. use bravado to use them quickly.

Problems: too much defending. need more attackin spells. i still want to keep the wand shop



Ok, hey Justin. I have a deck almost just like this, only I don’t really use it. McGonagall is a good starter for this deck, I would use Snape as a starter, but since you’re discarding Potion Lessons, we won’t. I’ll look at your spells first.



4 Potions exam
3 Burning Bitterroot Balm
4 Bravado
4 Potions Class Disaster
3 Bluebell Flames
4 Streams of Flames
3 Teacup to Rat


Ok, this looks pretty good. We’re going to fix it up a bit though. The Stream of Flames and Bluebell Flames are good, but since you’re going to be up around 10-12 lessons, we’ll switch Bluebell Flames for Verdillious. Verdillious does 5 damage to a creature of your choice or your opponent, so this will help take out Hebridean Black Dragon. We’re also going to drop Teacup to Rat completely, since you have Potions Exam/Potions Class Disaster to do that for you. I’m also going to add 3 Obiliviate, I’m going to take out an item for this card. ;) Use the Obilviate/Potions Class Disaster combo as much as you can. I’m also taking out Bravado in favour of more lessons. So here are the changes:


-4 Bravado

-3 Bluebell Flames

-3 Teacup to Rat

+3 Verdillious

+3 Obliviate

Now we look at items.


3 The Standard Book of Spells Grade One
1 Phoenix Feather Wand
2 Borrowed Wand


Ok, these are a little different then usual. Books are good, but they don’t fit this deck. We’re going to take The Standard Book of Spells, Grade One out for Obliviate. The wands are a little unfocused, too. We’re going to take out all 3 wands and replace them with Dragon Heart Wand. 3 Charms if you have at least 2 in play is much easier to get. So, here are the changes:


-3 The Standard Book of Spells, Grade One

-1 Phoenix Feather Wand

-2 Borrowed Wand

+3 Dragon Heart Wand


Now for Locations.



4 Wand Shop


This is good, but only use Wand Shop if you really need it.


And lessons:



11 Potions
11 Charms


Ok, we’re going to replace the Bravado with two of each of these.


+2 Potions

+2 Charms


So here’s your final deck:



Professor Minerva McGonagall



4x Potions Exam
3x Burning Bitterroot Balm
4x Potions Class Disaster
4x Stream of Flames
3x Obliviate

3x Verdillious



3x Dragon Heart Wand



4x Wand Shop



14x Potions

15x Charms


I added two more Charms and 1 more Potions since you only had 58 cards in this deck ;)

Have fun!
