
Hey Crusader!!! It's me Harry_Potter_player and I notice that you haven't been emailed in a while and I know how GOOD you are at winning so I was hoping that.......

 you could help me with my deck!!!  I seem to luv those charms and I never want to get rid of them....but maybe its best that I do....I seem to not be able to win with much anything...so if you could just help with this deck, I would be so appreciative!!!

Just because I like charms does not mean that you have to feel obligated to keep them in there for me!

You do what you think is best! YOU'RE THE BOSS! LOL


How Charming Deck


Starting Character

Hermione Granger


Alley Characters

(2) Albus Dumbledore

(4) Griphook



(2) Voldemort Revealed



(3) Christmas Feast

(4) Picking on Neville

(2) Charms Exam

(3) Dobby's Help

(2) Blue Wig

(2) Backfire

(2) Vermillious

(3) Magical Mishap

(2) Charms Accident

(4) Bravado

(1) Accio

(1) Ollivanders



(10) Charms

(9) Transfiguration


Well that's it, and I hope you can give me the #1 deck! I know you're probably going to laugh when you see it!  I am not much of an expert.  You will also notice that I like those cards like Bravado and Dumbledore because I figured I could use them to lessen my high powered cards.  Thanks for the help and I hope to see my new deck soon!!! :D  GO GO GRYFFINDOR!!!



Hey everyone! Guess who’s back? Sorry for taking the leave of absence, but, school’s been a pain in the butt. :/ Anyways, I’m here to look at a Charms/Transfiguration deck, and it looks like the Password is missing here, heh ;)


Hermione is a nice starter, but I think Albus is better. So, switch Albus to starter, and get rid of Hermione, and take one Griphook out.



1x Albus Dumbledore (Starter)

3x Griphook


Now, on to lessons we go. 19’s WAY to low. I’m going to replace the characters we took out with lessons. So:


+1 Transfiguration

+2 Charms



11x Transfiguration

11x Charms


Now, for Adventures…Voldemort Revealed? Not that good. Caught by Snape is MUCH better. So, -2 Voldemort Revealed, +2 Caught by Snape. And, you have 4 empty spaces in your deck, so 2 of those are Caught by Snape’s now. ;)


-2 Voldemort Revealed

+4 Caught By Snape



4x Caught by Snape


Now for spells. We’re going to get rid of ALL the spells. Heh. Now, lets start over.


4x Picking on Neville

4x Scribblifors

4x Dobby’s Disappearance


Nice basic Trans. Spells that are very nice. ;)


2x Bewitched Snowballs

2x Stream of Flames


Nice anti-creature cards. :D


4x Sherbert Lemon

4x Wattlebird

4x Pure-Blood


The passwords, your main source of damage.


Now, we have 3 open spaces, so lets add some healing via Pomfrey.


3x Madam Pomfrey


Now, lets see a finished decks!



1x Albus Dumbledore (Starter)

3x Griphook

3x Madam Pomfrey


4x Caught by Snape


11x Charms

11x Transfiguration


4x Pure-Blood

4x Wattlebird

4x Sherbert Lemon

4x Scribblifors

4x Dobby’s Disappearance

4x Picking on Neville

2x Stream of Flames

2x Bewitched Snowball


Have fun ;)
