Hi, I really didn’t know who to send this too, so I figured you would be just as fine. Anyway... this weekend my friends and I who love playing the HP card game so much decided to do something different. Since after all there were only 3 of us, none of us wanted to leave the other out. So we decided to have 3 people play HP at the same time. And it worked. The goal was to have 1 person defeat both. And if they did they won. We played like this: if someone played an adventure it affected the other two. And each person would try and solve it. (So one person would collect six cards, and the other person did the same.) And either player could solve it for himself or herself, meaning, if one person solved it, it only affected the other person. Then when the other person solved it, it was gone. Then... if we had 2 creatures in play you could split up the 2 and do one damage to one person and other damage to the other. And if you played a spell card it only affected one person.

Then while we were playing a problem arose to my friend. He wanted to play an adventure card that said: "your opponent must have creatures in play." so he asked me in private if he could still play it, even if I didn't have any creatures in play. And I figured that wouldn't be fair. So I said that if your adventure calls for your opponent to be in a special condition both had to be in that condition.

