This is a Strategy that I have written to help newcomers to the game

deal with some of the harder decks it covers a control deck a Draco Malfoy

Slytherin deck and a Charms/Quidditch deck.  I will list the main idea

of each of the decks you are playing against and then in the end post a

deck that I use that has done well against all of those types.



     First off my name is Michael.   I have been playing Harry Potter

for almost two years now and I have noticed one trend in the people playing

it.  Most will help you learn the game better, if you tell them you need

help.  Most have a temper, and if you push them too far they will try to crush

you and then later try to exchange some trash talk with you.  But this

biggest thing that I have noticed is that people who come into the world of

Harry Potter TCG and look as if they know how to play, or in a chat sound as

if they know how to play, nobody holds back.  And I have seen many, many

people who after a severe first loss never want to play again.  That goes for

almost everyone that I have played and beaten that did not tell me it

was their first time.  They no longer want to play any more, thus getting

rid of a potential player to make this game better.  So have decided to show

you a few tips and strategies to help some people want to stay and get better

at the game, and to help people who are already good become better.

     First I will look at three decks that can destroy a lot of other

decks.  The first is a Control deck.  This deck will destroy a newcomer if

they are as unfortunate as I was to run into one in their first battle. 

Most of these have a set of 4 Picking on Neville (PON) and a set of two to three

Lost Notes.  They will also have several Through The Arch and maybe some

other adventures to go along with that.  Usually a control deck is using

Spells as their main damage.  But some will use creatures and some will use

straight control and not worry about doing damage sine they are keeping you from

doing damage to you.  But most will be using some kind of damage. 

Usually it will be charms spells so they can use Obliviate to take out your

hand or charms exam to do the same thing.  Some will include a Griphook to also

take out your hand.

     The next one is a Draco Malfoy, Slytherin deck.  This makes for a

very difficult dissection of a battle plan.  Usually against a potions deck

you want to find ways to get rid of their lessons or to do a lot of damage

early to make sure that you win early since they are going to use big hitting

spells such as Dragons Blood and Malevolent Mixture and Draught of

Living Death.  Getting hit with one of each of those would be over half your

deck.  So you need to do quick damage and incorporate some healing incase of a

major attack.  That is all that I can really think of that can help against

one of those other then including some cards that keep them form playing item

cards and stuff like that.

     The last is the infamous quidditch charms deck.  These use wand

shop to get lessons quickly and they sometimes incorporate a few adventures

and definitely some big hitting spells such as Mid air collision.  Then

some brooms and maybe even some Oliver wood cards to add some extra damage. 

This is probably the hardest one that I have faced due to the quickness that

they can get out the lessons and attack you.  Most of the time they are

doing twelve damage a turn by the fourth turn.  These can now also have some

controlling aspects to them with the addition of the Adventures @

Hogwarts cards.  They can limit your actions and the only real defense is a

control deck.  Adventures can also slow down the progress of the damage that

comes your way.

     Last there is the deck that I use.  I use a control Potions

Creatures deck.  This gives me three ways to hurt them.  Potions with my

creatures and by controlling what they play.  I have McGonagall as my starter

and I have many different strategies to go with it.  I use items and I use

Adventures and I use powerful creatures below is the deck that I use.


Characters x1

McGonagall x1


Lessons x28

COMC x13

Potions x15


Spells x11

Lost Notes x2

PON x4

Diffindo x2

Burning Bitterroot x2


Creatures x13

Fang x2

Marble Gargoyle x4

Quintaped x4

Welsh Green Dragon x3


Items x4

Self Stirring Cauldron x4


Adventures x4

Through the Arch x4


Total cards = 60 (DUH)


     The strategy is to get out a Self-stirring Cauldron along with two

COMC as quickly as you can that leaves you open to lay down any of the

creatures that you want to.  You can substitute a few damaging spells instead of

the healing cards, or you may use a few good nights sleep or a Argus Filch

to counter more Adventures as long as the adventures does not keep you

from playing spells you can get rid of them with the Picking on Neville or

Diffindo.  I hope that this is helpful and I hope that the new comers

to the game read this and decide to give the game more than one blow out loss. 

Have a nice day.


If you have any questions or Comments e-mail me here and again my name is Michael.