I got my Harry Potter cards a day earlier, and I noticed a few great
strategies that you should should try out once you get it(or if you have it
already, eh, Pojo?).

My favorite combo so far is Hagrid and a Steel Claw, this is awesome and
pretty cheap. Hagrid's special ability is "whenever 1 of your Creatures does
3 or more damage to your opponent, it does 2 more damage than it normally
would." That's pretty good alone but with Steel Claw the big hits keep
coming. Steel Claw, a spell card, says, "All your Creatures do damage to your
opponent." Aside from the damage from the beginning of your turn, it gives
you another chance to attack. One word: broken. I predict this is going to be
a big combo in the future.

A great card you might want to look into is 4 Privet Drive,
an Adventure card. There's a scan on Pojo for this one. It can entirely block
all spells your opponents want to play. The only way out is to pay a steep
price of 6 cards from their hand. Plus, the reward stinks(for them ) , only
letting them draw a card, which can also be bad since you lose by having no
cards in your deck.

Try this combo: Hermione and Homework. Hermione is on the Pojo site, but I
don't think homework is. Homework, a spell card, says, "Put up to 2 Lesson
cards from your hand into play." Together, they have the potential of playing
4 lessons in one turn. Not bad, right? Also, you could try those cards plus
Platform 9 and 3/4. Platform 9 and 3/4 pretty much gives you a free action.
That has the potential of playing 6 lessons in one turn. But, I don't
recommend that one, since the chances of getting all those cards in your hand
is, well, slim.

I can't come up with any more strategies right now, I'm too tired. Oh, and
don't bother asking, I didn't get the Harry Potter card and I don't know what
it does.
