Ok, for all of you guys out there trying to play charms, care of magical creatures, potions, and transfiguration, STOP, it doesn't work. There are a few ways around this however. Probably one of the best I have found is with Professor Flitwick. Not only does he let you trade 2 cards in your hand for 1 card in your discard pile that needs CH power, but he provides 1 CH power. Now you don't have to put one damn charm lesson in your entire deck. This will allow you more room to splash in potion lessons, transfiguration lessons, and the important care of magical creatures lessons while still dishing out the hurt with charms spells like stupefy, titillando, and obliviate. Good luck with your decks, I hope this helps. Logan _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card http://www.bluemountain.com/giftcenter/