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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day



Envy Doppelganger


Constructed: 3.67
Limited: 4.33

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The final card we are looking at this week is Envy Doppleganger. This Envy is a 6 cost so it can be splashed and played at any level 2 leader that is non-hero. It has a very simple effect of being able to copy any attribute on the board during the main phase. Once again a great ally for any kind deck that is lacking any real beatsticks as Envy can copy the highest attribute of any ally on the board. Imagine going into an Alchemist Testing Ground with alchemy that rivals even Elric.

There are a few downsides to this card. One is that a pressure will stop you dead in your tracks. Another is you may copy an opponent and than afterwards they may play attachments on it so it is still bigger. Once you battle an opponent may play a battle changer possibly leaving you with a whopping 0 in an attribute. Or even worse they may play Exhaustion and bring you back down to nothing. But the fact is Envy will always remain a threat to almost any deck and is a welcome addition if you're needing that little extra punch.

Constructed: 4/5-In a splashable sense it's a great ally. Homonculus decks may want to stick with other Envy's however.
Sealed: 5/5-Great ally hands down in a limited environment.


Doppelganger is a great ally that has been around since premier. In fact, Envy as a character has a whole host of really, really good allies. Copycat was so broken that it had an errata that totally destroyed it, but there are still two (and sometimes three) very strong choices for Envy allies, although they are oriented towards totally different goals.

Doppelganger is the ally used for aggro or combat oriented decks. It can have the largest stat after its infamous combo with Foolish Pawns, or even with Rose, Hapless Pawn. However, it is a bit lacking at multiple attribute locations, where it's 0 or lower attribute can be freely targetted by an opponent in battle. Still, it is very strong.
However, it has to compete with Envy, True Face, the ally oriented towards control, which Homunculus decks traditionally favor. True Face hits leaders like Master Manipulator with a difficult cancel that wastes their entire strategy, which makes him very strong, and problematic to Doppelganger's play value as a whole.

However, since this is splashable allies week, it should be noted that Doppelganger is very strong in a variety of non-homunculus decks.
Rebels can use him to duplicate the massive strength of their leader, and I've actually seen Master Manipulator decks that splash for him and a few other homunculus allies in order to play Mark of the Ouroboros. Additionally, there is some potential in a Greed Sin deck, which is where Doppelganger would do the best with his ability to copy whatever stat is necessary at the time.

Constructed: 3.75/5
Limited: 5/5

The “Steel Talon Alchemist”

Envy: Doppelganger


6 cost ally

Strength 0, wits 5, alchemy 0

Main wits: Envy copies one of target characters attributes until end of turn


Ok here we go. Not the best splash since you have to run a villain or a neutral character to use it. Now if you are running one of those than you are home free since your opponents strongest character is now the copy target and you can run in almost any battle type. In a straight up beat down deck this card can go a long ways, in a more thought out deck you still have some great room to maneuver your way into your opponents head by killing what they need with essentially their own character. Would you like some insult to your injury? Here take this and go.


Final call

Constructed: 3/5 only since you must run the villain keyword on your leader otherwise this card is wonderful

Limited: So many things to use in Premier, but this is a common so at least you have a chance at pulling it and using your strategy. So I give it a 3/5


The “Steal Talon” Alchemist

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