Travis Bouknight [] Top 11 Things to Do Before a Tournament - milleniumskillet Hi there, I wanted to do something a little bit differently in the Top 10 category, so here it is. 11) Eat - Nothing is more irritating or distracting to yourself than a rumbling tummy. (This is so that you won't lose your focus) 10) Make sure that you have a good night sleep the night before - No one can win a tournament when that person is asleep during the tournament. 9) Make sure you have layers of clothing on - You'll be glad you did when it's cold in the building. If it's hot, then "peel off" the layers, but at all times keep dressed. 8) Know what format the tournament is ex(Single/Double Elimination or Swiss) - Just because you lose in the first round doesn't necessarily mean you are out of the tournament. 7) Know what kind of tournament, that you're entering, is ex(Constructed, Booster Draft, Swap Deck, etc.) - A lot of people make specific decks for a specific tournament. 6) Don't trade any card out of your deck - If you trade a card out of your deck, you will usually mess up the strategy that you were going to use for the tournament. 5) Make sure you are familiar with other deck types - This is because you don't want to be surprised with a specific card or combination that you lose your focus. 4) Make sure you know the cards and strategy of your deck - You do not want to bend to your opponent's strategy as to give him/her the advantage and the match 3) Pay the entry fee - Can't pay = Don't play 2) Make sure you have at least 40 cards in your deck - Self exclaimitory in the DuelMasters rulebook. 1) Be sure to tell yourself that you're going to have fun - Nobody likes a "sour puss". There you have it folks. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me at Let the Debating Begin! milleniumskillet aka Travis Bouknight