RAMPAGE, SUPER RARES RANKED: Another tip for the week, this one is my personal rankings for the super rares from the Rampage of Super Warriors. This is based on how well I think one would play in certain decks, and I'll say why: No #5: S5. Earthstomp Giant Nature / Giant 5 Mana / 8000 Double Breaker. Whenever this creature attacks, return all creatures from your mana zone to your hand. My fifth and last ranked card for today. Looking at the power, you can see that your pulling out an 8000 attacker on possibly your fifth turn. It's a double breaker, but the nasty effect says you have to return all creatures from your mana zone to your hand. Depending on how you play, that's somewhere between 40-80% of your mana gone. The speed of mana acceleration of mono-nature is somewhat comforting, but still not reasurring enough. It's not an impossible card to play, but when I was offered my Terror Pit for one of these, I rejected the offer. Terror Pit could've fetched me more anyway. And can anyone see a water (probably bouncing) deck screwing you over with this card? No #4: S2. Chaos Fish Water / Gel Fish 7 Mana / 1000+ This creature gets +1000 power for each other water creature you have in the battle zone. Whenever this creature attacks, you may draw a card for each of you other water creatures in the battle zone. A mixed card, for sure. It's strength is based on numbers, but to last that long with a water deck you need stall and probably some blockers. When you play this late game at 7 mana, you've probably only got 2-3 creatures on the field. A 4000 creature like this isn't tapped though, but you'll probably lose one creature per turn, and play 1 or 2 if your lucky. But you draw each time you attack right? Good luck, you'll probably only make one attack - if that. With this card, it's a painful way of makng a 2-3 card draw. Stick with Brain Serum for now. No #3: S3. Giriel, Ghastly Warrior Darkness / Demon Command 8 Mana / 11000 Double Breaker It's really nothing special, an 8 mana drop for 11000 power. Maybe the easier but longer way of getting an Ultracide Worm out? There isn't anything about this card that is great, late game finisher and attacker? You could fit this in maybe a dark/light deck, if your good. No #2: S4. Garkago Dragon Fire / Armored Dragon 7 Mana / 6000+ Double Breaker. This creature gets +1000 power for each other fire creature you have in the battle zone. Down to the last 2, and a very hard decision was putting this as the second ranked card. It's a basic double breaker, and it gets +1000 power for each other fire creature in the battle zone, and as I said with Chaos Fish would be about 2-3. Thats pushing a 9000 double breaker, but versatile because you can evolve it into the new rampage evo creature for armored dragons. Forget the name. Like all the other cards, it takes a certain deck to play this in, certainly not a fire rush though. No #1: S1. Miar, Comet Elemental Light / Angel Command 8 Mana / 11500 Double Breaker Only 500 more power than the first card, Miar is the most powerful card to date in the english Duel Masters game. Move over Ultracide, this 8 mana for 11500 is not actually a great card, but being able to double break a shield and then be able to stand up almost anything else is good. Then terror pit, spiral gate, or even death smoke on the first turn happens. OUCH!! I actually think I'll stick to my weaker but better equipped creatures. My final evaluation of the super rare Rampage cards are, they are very bad compared to the ones from base set and evo. You can't slot any of these cards in a good deck for their civilisation, your gonna need a deck that fits around these creatures perfectly. JORDYCE, TikkuGaming@hotmail.com